
Mt. Wrightson Ascent - 9/10/23 - 5.2 miles to the top

Thanks to all who were able to make it out today for the Mt. Wrightson Ascent! It was a record-breaking day of heat, at least down in the Tucson valley. Y’all are tough. Some highlights from the run today include a swift summit by Catlow (1:06) and then an even more impressive race down the hill in 39 minutes for a Strava CR up-and-down Old Baldy in 1:45. I was reading my book and listening to the bees in the trees, and couldn’t believe he was already done. There was much talk of bears but no sightings today. Two Mexican spotted owls were seen just shy of Josephine Saddle, and up higher there were lots of wildflowers and butterflies. 

Anyhoo, hope to see you all again soon this fall. Lots of runs on the calendar

Rick Mick

Mt. Wrightson Ascent - 5.2 miles

Catlow Shipek (45) 1:06 - En route to 1:45 up-and-down
Tyler Stinson (36) 1:35
Morey Brown (59) 1:39
Lisa Schlink (45) 1:45
*Dave Houston (41) 1:46 - as part of a double ascent
Robert Nowak (40) 1:47 - best style for the day
Brianna Russell (27) 1:48
Ryan Simonsen (26) 1:52
Renee Stevens (55) 1:56
Ben Weiner (55) 2:00
Cliff Anderson (64) 2:02
Robert Harris (50) 2:04
Fernando Bustamante (58) 2:04
David Armet (41) 2:07
Chase Woodall (13) 2:20 - post Saturday cross-country meet
Stephen Woodall (45) 2:20
Benjamin Roark (39) 2:55

*First TTR route

Billy Oliver (59) 1:35 - Josephine to Super Trail (6 miles)
Emily Wilkinson (39) Hike to Josephine Saddle

Sunset Loops - 10/01/23 - 16 mile full loop

Thanks to all those who came out this Sunday to run the Sunset Loops. We had 19 runners come out and enjoy the nice cool morning temps up there with a little breeze to add to the fun.

Tristan Lee

Full Route- 16 miles

Rick Mick (39) 3:29
Mike Duer (54) 3:35
Armen Sarrafin (33) 3:35
Ben Markwart (42) 3:48
Jeff Ladderud (33) 4:03
Cliff Anderson (64) 4:13

Cade Engle (26) 4:14
Billie Lubis (30) 4:18
Julie Henk (28) 4:18
Morgan Drew (29) 4:18
Henri Combrink (41) 4:41

Chris LaRoche (32) 4:06 - 13.06 miles

Mark DiFalco (24) 2:46 - 12.26 miles

Sarah Bratt (33) 3:02 - 10 miles

Peter K (39) 3:02 - 10 miles

Tim Cronk (61) 2:46 - 9.5 miles

Julia Rowe (50) 2:31 - 9 miles

Bruce Johnson (69) 1:50 - 6 miles

Heather Webber (60) 2:38 - 6 miles

Box Camp/ Palisades  Lollipop- 10/15/23 - 25 mile(ish) lollipop

12 people came out to run the trails near Gordon Hirabayashi, with five doing the full 25ish mile lollipop. It was pretty warm, even for us(!), which made for pretty toasty conditions in the early afternoon, bust everyone seemed to enjoy the route, especially Palisades, with its incredible views midway down! There are still about five miles that could use some good trail work on the whole route so hopefully by next year it will be smooth sailing. Thanks to John Mollenhour for helping with aid near the Bigelow TH, which was extra useful because of the broken water spigot. Thanks to everyone for coming out and braving the heat!

Full Enchilada- We'll go with 25.5 miles

Jak Kearsley (26) 6:46:00
Cliff Anderson (64) 7:43:47
Ryan Simonsen (26) 7:43:47

Cade Engle (26) 8:00:00

Tristan Lee (44) 8:00:29 (reverse lollipop direction)

Other fun: (out-and-backs)

Tim Cronk (61) 11 miles

Heather Webber 8 miles

Chris McGrew 10.5 miles

Brian Bokowski 13+ miles

Hutches Pool & Back (15.miles)

Julie Henk

Renee Stevens

Dallas Stevens

Ventana/Esperero - 10/22/23 - 14.6 mile full loop

On a hot day (94 degrees) no water sources, and a lot of steep, exposed climbing, (22) TTR members finished the full 14.6 Ventana/Esperero route. Everyone enjoyed the view from the Window, and it appeared that everyone also enjoyed the moment they finished. Special thanks to Bruce Johnson, who helped with the shuttle and then ran Cardiac and back.

Full Route- 14.6 miles

Vasileios Paschalidis (44) 3:51
Mike Duer (54) 4:04
Mark DiFalco (24) 4:12
William Mitchell (32) 4:18
Thomas Fresneau (39) 4:21

Sarah Jansen (39) 4:34

Caroline Mosley (34) 4:35

Morgan Drew (28) 4:36

Derek Lemoine(41) 4:39

Tim Cronk (61) 4:45

Michael Wilcox (63) 4:45

Henri Combrink (41) 5:19

Cade Engle (26) 5:25

Lauren Dahlin (32) 5:28

Cristina Luis (44) 5:55

Marcy Beard (54) 6:05

Christopher Avery (60) 6:09

Adeene Denton (29) 6:09

Maureen Meyer (58) 6:09

Cliff Anderson (64) 6:37

Jil Albrecht (30) 6:58

Dylan Reichert (25) 6:58

Cardiac and Back: 

Bruce Johnson (69) 2:08

Charouleau Gap- 10/29/23 - Multiple Options

Yesterday we ran the Charouleau Gap out-and-back route which hasn't been entered into the TTR database in 10 years! The weather was nice and crisp, and we now have a new women's course record! 

Thanks to everyone who came out!

Options were to the CDO and back (~20 miles), the Gap and Back (12.4 miles), or any other distance ONB

Gap & Back- 12.4 miles

Vasileios Paschalidis (44) 1:53:03
Stephen Woodall (45) 2:09
Steve Outridge (45) 2:18:50

Caroline Mosley (34) 2:28 - new CR

Caitlin Vogelsberg (38) 2:28 - new CR

Adeene Denton (29) 2:34

Chris McGrew  (55) 2:38

Chris Fall  (61) 2:41:28

Nick Farley (48) 2:53


Arvind Gupta (27) 1:26:16 - 8.3 miles

Lisa Zucker Glick (63) 1:53 - 5 miles

Jim Porter (63) 1:53 - 5 miles

Sabino Basin- 11/05/23 - 13.8 mile full route

It was a beautiful morning in the majestic Sabino Canyon and 19 hearty souls came out to log some miles. Congrats to all!

There were a few rattlesnake sightings, at least one tarantula and at least one deer. See you all next time!

Sabino Basin- full out and back

Billie Lubis (30) 2:29

Caitlin Vogelsberg (38) 2:44

Michael Wilcox (63) 2:45

Cade Eagle (25) 3:03

Tristan Lee (44) 3:05

Chris McGrew (55) 3:17

Henri Combrink (41) 3:22

Renee Stevens (56) 3:25

Billy Oliver (59) 3:36

Robert Harris (50) 3:47

Fernando Bustamante (58) 3:47

David Allamon (46) 3:47

Tim Cronk (61) 3:49

Marcy Beard 4:11

Phoneline Loop- 9 miles

Rick Mick (39) 1:19

Steve Outridge (54) 1:30

Phoneline Out and backs

Arvind Gupta (27) 1:31 (7.7mi)

Heather Webber (60) 2:54 (6.75mi)

Kelly Mack (46) 1:03 (4mi)

Tanque Verde Loop- 11/12/23 - 28.5 mile full loop

We had a good turnout, and great weather, for yesterday's Tanque Verde Loop run. There was a total of 16 runners and 7 of them completed the full 28.5 mile loop. Everyone else ran various out and back distances. We also had a mouse hanging out at the finish and a roadrunner came by too, but luckily or unluckily, not at the same time. Special thanks to Corey Keppel for supporting and helping runners make the last few miles back.  

Full Route (28.5 miles):

David Houston (41) 6:11:11 

Sarah Jansen (39) 6:21:00

Brian Bokowski (?) 6:24:00

Tim Cronk (61) 6:48:00

Michael Wilcox (63) 7:07:00

Tristan Lee (44) 7:11:00

David Allamon (?) 7:57:00

Cowhead Kinda-ish

Chris Herald (37) 3:55:55 (18.26mi)

Renee Stevens (56) 4:33:00 (16.5mi)

DS Campground Mostly

Adeene Denton (?) 3:12:00 (14.5mi)

Julia Rowe (?) 3:13:00 (13.1mi)

Cat Crawford (?) 3:23:00 (13.1mi)

Brian Kennedy (?) 3:23:00 (13.1mi)

Tom Gormley (?) 3:31:54 (13.1mi)

Cliff Anderson (?) 3:38:00 (13.1mi)

Lena Makena (45) 3:15:40 (12mi)

Mt Lemmon Ascent- 11/19/23 - 18.6 miles (7300 ft gain)

A wonderful day on the mountain, with perfect temps and foggy conditions at times. Some of the route had seen recent work from the AZ Trail VETS crew (including our own Dallas Stevens) and was much better than expected. Thank you Tonya Norris for filling in on RD duties, and also a big shout out to some folks who stepped up to be drivers: Steven, Cassidy, Brian, and Scott. We had more runners arrange rides (some at the last minute) and didn't need everyone to shuttle, but your volunteering of time was much appreciated! (a good problem to have).

Full Route (18.6 miles):

Jak Kearsley (26) 4:33

Michael Duer (54) 4:48

Michael Pilz (54) 5:18

Wesley Smith (44) 5:23

Renee R. Stevens (56) 5:44

Cade Engle (26) 5:45

Tristan Lee (44) 5:53

Brian Kennedy (53) 5:58

Cat Crawford (53) 6:00

Billy Oliver (59) 6:31

Robert Harris (50) 6:57

Fernando Bustamante (58) 6:57

Paul Fick (66) 7:58

Also running around out there:

Tom Gormley (54) 3:06 (Foggy Basin, Phoneline/Tram Rd, 13.1 mi)

Brian Janezic (37) 2:26 (Lemmon/WOR/Upper Aspen, 9.7 mi)

Steven Terry (44) 3:40 (Down-and-up on Lemmon Trail, 13.3 mi)

Loma Alta- 11/26/23 - 28.8 miles (full route)

It was a perfect Morning at Loma Alta, with temperatures in the low 40s and everyone eager to get going to warm themselves up. Everyone got down safe without any injuries and enjoyed the drinks, refreshments and the promised Baklava. Unlike last year we had 3 runners that completed the entire route to Manning camp! Kudos to them and everyone who came out today and crushed it! 

Full Route (28.8 miles):

Billie Braimah (30) 7:06

Sarah Smith Zentack (45) 7:06

Joe Tovar (40) 7:27

Other distances

Morey Brown (59) 4:34 Grass Shack  intersection (19.2 miles)

Catlow Shipek (45) 2:50 (17 miles)

Manning Camp trail intersection (14ish miles)

Kevin Cross (34) 2:36

Chris Herald (37) 2:36

Caroline Mosley (34) 2:43

Caitlin Vogelsberg (38) 2:43

Lisa Schlink (45) 3:11

Guy McArthur (53) 3:13

Tom Gormley (54) 3:16

Michael Duer (54) 3:26

Tim Cronk (61) 3:27

Also out there running

Heather Weber (60) 3:07 (10.75 miles)

Amy Dillan (44) 2:37 (10.15 miles)

King Canyon- 12/10/23 - 7.6 miles (full loop)

We had 33 runners come out last Sunday. It was a bit windy and a little chilly at the start but everyone had a good time. Jim and I love spending the morning with you. 

Full Route (7.6 miles):

Mike Duer (54) 01:14:04

Billie Lubis (30) 01:21:00

Robert Nowak (40) 01:26:36

Brad Mascal (37) 01:28:00

Bill Doctorman (39) 01:30:52

Caitlin Vogelsberg (39) 01:31:00

Billy Oliver (59) 01:34:00

Lily Wilhelm (27) 01:34:00

Chris McGrew (35) 01:34:00

Derek Vo (30) 01:34:00

Adeene Denton (29) 01:34:00

Steve Outridge (54) 01:39:00

Chris Fall (61) 01:39:00

Michelle Hawk (56) 01:39:00

Cliff Anderson (64) 01:51:00

Bruce Johnson (69) 01:53:00

Jill Albrecht (30) 01:53:00

Jon O’Brien (27) 01:53:00

Julia Rowe (50) 01:53:00

Chris LaRoche (32) 01:58:00

Chris Avery (60) 01:58:00

Stephen Woodall (45) 02:02:00

Chase Woodall (13) 02:02:00

Dylan Reichert (26) 02:10:00

Pam Hoyt (67) 02:15:00

Tim Cronk (61) 02:17:00

Joan D’Alonzo (64) 02:22:00

Heather Webber (61) 02:30:00

Up to Hugh Norris (did not do up to W Peak) 6.96 miles

Jennie Barnett (52) 01:40:00

Wayne Barnett (58) 01:40:00

Out and Back (to W Peak)

Joe Jankelson (49)  No time/distance

Out and Back to Saddle

Lisa Zucker Glick (63) 02:39:00

Jim Porter (64) 02:39:00

Green Bug- 12/17/23 - 19 miles (full route)

We had a solid showing of 16 trail enthusiasts come out to enjoy the beautiful (hot!?) winter day on Mt. Lemmon, with 10 completing the full route. Bonus to Billie and Brett for bringing cookies that nourished not only the Tucson Trail Runners, but mountain bikers, climbers, hikers and even an AZT through-hiker! Thanks for making it a fun morning for Tyler and I. 

Full Route (~19 miles)

Ben Markwart (42) 3:59

Jak Kearsley (26) 4:23

Billie Braimah (Lubis) (30) 4:35

Tim Cronk (61) 4:39

Cade Engle (26) 4:45

Brett DuBois (42) 4:55

Joseph Tovar (40) 4:58

Cliff Anderson (64) 5:28

Renee R. Stevens (56) 5:31

Ryan Simonsen (26) 5:33

Bug Springs Out-and-Back (~10 miles)

Brad Mascal (37) 2:07

Caitlin Vogelsberg (39) 2:07

Bruce Johnson (69) 2:46

Other Distances

Fred Ahrens (67) 3:30 - 8.7 miles

Heather Webber (61) 4:28 - 12 miles

Dallas Stevens - hiking around!

Wasson Peak Run- 12/31/23 - 14.2 miles (full route)

We had a great turnout of 30 TTRs for the Wasson Peak Run on an absolutely beautiful Tucson morning, 28 of whom did the full 14.2 mile route. No wrong turns or injuries were reported and there was much less complaining than usual about the infamous steps! And it was nice enough at the finish for people to sit around and socialize for quite a while. All in all, a good day to be out on the trails! 

Full Route (14.2 miles)

Mark DiFalco (24) 2:19

Michael Duer (54) 2:21

Manny Ochoa (36) 2:28

Caroline Mosley (34) 2:28

Ryan Niccum (49) 2:44

Joseph Tovar (40) 2:52

Michael Wilcox (63) 2:56

Sarah Dasher (42) 2:59

Chris Fall (61) 3:01

Michelle Hawk (56) 3:02

Jonathan Kercheval (36) 3:03

Katie Ellis (38) 3:07

Melina Suhy (20) 3:08

Rogelio Hernandez (53) 3:08

Claire Hans (36) 3:08

Dave Buist (39) 3:10

Christopher Avery (60) 3:16

Renee R. Stevens (56) 3:19

Tom Gormley (54) 3:23

Derek Vo (31) 3:28

Tim Cronk (61) 3:32

Brian Kennedy (53) 3:34

Cat Crawford (53) 3:34

Bruce Johnson (69) 3:38

Judith Shaw (55) 3:42

Tom Shaw (61) 3:42

Robert Harris (50) 3:46

Heather Webber (60) 4:33

Other distances:

Billie Lubis (30) 1:43 (Sendero-Hugh Norris loop-8.4 miles)

Caitlin Vogelsberg (39) no time reported (Hugh Norris O&B-10.8m)

Bear Canyon Loop- 01/15/24 - 16.8 miles (full route)

26 runners (+ Michael Duer & Cliff Anderson) showed up fearlessly to brave the dark and brisk 40F start to the iconic BCL this Sunday morning.

All around, everyone gave a solid effort. Including Vasileios Paschalidis, whom upon entering my line of sight, I verbally said to Dylan Reichert "That person is running way too fast to have just finished a BCL." I do not know what you are running from or who is chasing you, but wow... is all I have to say.

Full Route-

Vasileios Paschalidis (44) 2:27

Caroline Mosley (34) 2:49

Tyler Stinson (36) 2:58

Kendra Watson (29) 2:59

Joseph Tovar (40) 3:00

Sarah Smith Zentack (45) 3:01

Stephen Woodall (45) 3:11

Brian Bokowski (44) 3:14

Sarah Dasher (42) 3:23

Cade Engle (26) 3:30

Chris Fayer (34) 3:30

Chris McGrew (55) 3:30

Michael Wilcox (63) 3:35

Adeene Denton (29) 3:43

Renee R. Stevens (56) 3:55

Jon O'Brien (27) 3:55

Chris LaRoche (32) 3:59

Jay Liggett (67) 4:26

David Armet (42) 4:33

Chris Avery (60) 4:38

Maureen Meyer (58) 4:38

Julia Rowe (50) 4:55

BCL+ (Phoneline Return)

Jason Poole (52) 3:21

Thomas Fresneau (39) 3:29

Seven Falls ONB

Stacey Ramirez (30) 2:15

Spencer Grijalva (31) 2:15

Tortolita Mountain Loop- 01/21/24 - 15.8 miles (full route)

Thank you to the runners that joined today for the Tortolita Mountain Loops..  10 brave  souls on a gentle rainy day.   Cool clouds and great views.  

Full Route-

Fox Foster  (16)   2:54

Jason Poole (52) 3:14:12

Cliff Anderson (64) 3 :55: 29

Sarah Dasher (42) 3:55:29

Shorter Loop: 10.7

Brad Mascal (37)   2:07

Scott Zentack (53) 2:42


Marcy Beard (54) 18 Mile 4:54:21

Brianna Russell (28) 16.3 Miles 3:50:36

Stephan Woodall (45)  14.15 Miles 2:54

Michael Wilcox (63) 13.6 Miles 2:54

Sweetwater Preserve- 02/04/24 - Many Options

Huge THANK YOU to everyone that came out to our 1st Annual Sweetwater Preserve TTR Event yesterday! We had a total of 42 runners! A lot of people completed the 10 mile route, but several runners created their own route as well! We had a great morning! The sunrise was beautiful, the hot air ballons were out, and we had lots of runners, pups and snacks! Thank you everyone! 

10 mile loop:

Rick Mick (40) 1:20 

Molly Condit (39) 1:36

Vasileios Paschalidis (44) 1:22

Chris Herald (37) 1:19:24

Wesley Smith 1:24

Chris Avery (60) 1:58

Tyler Stinson (36) 1:26

Lucas Tyler (42) 1:29

Stephen Woodall (45) 1:25

David Keller (45) 1:23

Robert Nowalk (40) 1:23

Taylor Mathe (27) 1:36

Ben Weinr (56) 1:44

Chris McGrew (55) 1:53

Jamil Houston (41) 1:53

Bruce Johnson (69) 1:50

Cliff Anderson 64) 1:50

Scott Zentack (53) 1:50

Cristina Luis (44) 1:56

John Rogers (73) 1:58

Tim Cronk (61) 2:01

Ryan Simonsen (26) 1:43


Ben Roark (40) 10.42 miles/2:10

Joan D'Alonzo (64) 10.25 miles/2:13

Raul del Bosque (38) 7.27 miles/1:00

Matthew Chandler (41) 7.5 miles/1:22

Melissa Suhg (20) 4 miles/ 37:18

Rogelio Hernandez (54) 4 miles/37:18

Adeene Denton (29) 6 miles/1:02

Steve Outridge (54) 7.33 miles/1:07

Lisa Glick (63) 4.53 miles/1:15

Bill Doctorman (39) 3.22 miles/34:39

Brian Bokowski (44) 7.5 miles/1:22

Jenny Adams (52) 5.3 miles/1:20

Stacey Ramirez (30) 7.3 miles/1:19

Spencer Grijah (31) 7.3 miles/1:19

Dylan Reichert (26) 3.8 miles/1:09

Catlow Shipek (45) 14 miles/1:50

Andrew Belus 14 miles/1:55

Soldier/ La Milagrosa Loop- 02/11/24 - 15.7 mi (full route)

Thirteen intrepid runners came out for the La Milagrosa loop.  Beautiful day of snow, sun and water. 

Full Route:

James Wood 3:10

Julie Henk 3:16

Alexis White 3:16

Michael Pilz 3:39

Will Conway 3:41

Sarah Dasher 3:58

Christopher Avery 4:04

Tim Cronk 4:08

Julia Rowe 4:25

Steve Sanchez 4:25 

Full plus some extra because it was so nice out:

David Houston 18.1 - 3:56

Woody March-Steinman 18.1 - 3:56 

Out and back:

Attila Farkas 9.25 - 2:17

Cowhead Saddle- 02/18/24 - 17.3 mi (full route)

Thanks for RDing, Steven Terry! 

Full Route:

Vasileios Paschalidis (44) 3:07

Brian Bokowski (44) 3:29

James Wood (32) 3:36

Sarah Dasher (42) 3:59

Ryan Niccum (49) 4:09

Dillon O'Reilly (31) 4:10

Cade Engle (26) 4:18

Cliff Anderson (64) 4:18

Half Marathon/Douglas Spring CG:

Rick Mick (40) 2:21

Chris Herald (37) 2:21

Steve Sanchez (53) 2:39

Jeff Knight (57) 2:45

Daren Layton (42) 3:00

Will Conway (53) 3:00

Bruce Johnson (69) 3:18

Lena Makena (45) 3:31

Keystone Traverse- 02/25/24 - 18 mi (full route)

Full Route:

Vasileios Paschalidis (44) 3:15

Jeff Knight (57) 4:07

Cliff Anderson (64) 4:16

Jon Obrien (27) 4:16

Heather Knapp (38) 5:00

15mi Route:

Lily Wilheim (27) 3:00

Renee Stevens (56) 3:46

Paul Fick (67) 4:48

9.6mi Route:

Billie Lubis (30) 1:47

Brian Bokowski (44) 1:47

Atilla Farkas (33) 1:47

Bruce Johnson (69) 1:59

Sarah Zentack (45) 2:05

Tom Shaw (61) 2:15

Judith Shaw (55) 2:15

Joan D' Alonzo (64) 2:25

Bruce Chalk (65) 3:16

Pam Hoyt (67) 3:16

8.2 mi Keystone Peak:

Gerald Bach (75) 2:12

5 mi to cabin: 

Billy Oliver (59) 0:51

Tucson Mountain Park Extrava-Genser- 03/11/24 -Multiple Options

On Sunday March 10th, 23 of our members decided to make the trek out to the west side to explore Tucson Mountain Park. They were rewarded with fine weather and (mostly) empty trails; well, at least for the first part.

For many it was their first time out there and admittedly only a few didn't make at least one wrong turn. But, with a gaggle of lovely trails, no one seemed too upset.

Thanks all for coming out, and especially for those who gave Potato all the pets- he enjoyed camping out in the parking lot to provide post-run support!


Golden Gate Loop (15(ish) miles):

Orlando Velazquez (47) 2:18:44

Kevin Cross (34) 2:39

Stephen Woodall (45) 2:39

Eric Simonson (35) 2:50

Dave Morganite (39) 3:25

Michael Wilcox (63) 3:42 (bonus with closer to 17mi)

Brian Fruechtenicht (59) DFL (but not in our hearts)

Sarasota Loop (8.5 mi):

Brian LeRoy (47) 1:13:25 (slight detour, but tougher)

Fox Foster (16) 1:14:25

David Houston (41) 1:16:30

Craig Mills (40) 1:21:17

Joan D'Alonzo (43) 2:11

Funky Flow (or some version of it) (7+miles):

Sarah Smith Zentack (45) 1:43

Sarah Bratt (34) 1:43

John Rogers (73) 2:19

Little Cat Loop (6.3ish mi):

Steve Sanchez (53) 1:12

David Armet (41) 1:30

Noemi Mills (40) 1:41

Gina M. Nelson (49) 1:41

Chose their own adventure:

Danielle De Ruiter (26) 46:00 (4.8mi)

Robert Nowak (41) 1:34(lost to the void)

Tristan Lee (44) 2:00:44 (10 mi)

Christopher Avery (60) 2:35 (11.4 mi to GG TH)

Esperero Loop- 03/17/24 -21 Miles (Full Route)

Twelve hardy souls showed up the run on the 17th. We had 9 people do the full loop and 3 did some other version. The weather was perfect for a run in the mountains. Adding to perfect weather nobody got lost and no injuries were reported. Hats off to Kyung who did the whole loop Saturday and came back Sunday and did it again 


Full Route:

Julie Henk (29)    4:35

Ben Markwart (43)  4:43

Michael Wilcox (63)   5:02 

Jon Ohiaeri (34) 5:30

Will Conway (53) 5:47

Andrew Vasko (47)   6:05

Ryan Simonsen (26)    6:34

Cliff Anderson (64)   6:44

Kyung Lee (66)    7:52


Steve Sanchez (53)    2:01      Cardiac Gag 7.2 miles

Sarah Bratt (34)    1:44      Phoneline 9 miles

Ben Engebreth (46)   4:21      Bridal Veil Falls & Blacketts 18 miles

Mica Mountain Marathon- 03/24/24 -27 ish Miles (Full Route)

Great turn out on a not very Arizona day!  Thanks for making my first RD experience a success! 


Full 27 miles:

Vasileios Paschalidis (44) 5:49:57

Rogelio Hernandez (54) 6:52

Dave Keller (41) 7:29

Ryan Simonsen (26) 8:09

Cade Engle (26) 8:09

Cliff Anderson (64) 8:09

Andy Vasko (47) 8:30

Cowhead Saddle (18 miles):

Jak Kearsley (27) 3:48

Fox Foster (16) 3:33

Natalia Leakos (27) 4:35

Jon Ohiaeri (34) 4:22

Pam Pamela Hoyt (67) 6:30

Kyung Lee (66) 6:25


Steven Terry 20.5 miles (44) 5:49

Jason Whittaker 20.5 miles (46) 5:49

Heather Webber 8 miles (60) 3:09

Sarah Bratt 7 miles (34) 1:54

Tim Cronk 4 miles (61) 0:56

Catalina Peaks- 04/21/24 -21 ish Miles (Full Route)

Beautiful day on Mt. Lemmon for a dozen people to demonstrate what badass means. And, where runners go against advice and take the snow-covered trails to get the miles and make it to the finish! 


Bigelow Bonus Route – 21 miles

Thomas Fresneau (40) 5:20

David Houston (41) 6:05

Lily Wilhelm (27) 6:21

Ski Valley – 19 miles

Ryan Simonsen (26) 6:21

Jon O’Brien (28) 6:36

Cade Engle (26) 6:36

San Pedro out and back – 18.87 miles

Natalia Leakos (27) 5:40

Sunset – 14ish miles

Briana Grigsby (36) 3:34

Constance Wanamaker (51)5:03

Renee Stevens (56) 5:04

Dallas Stevens (62) 5:04

San Pedro – 9ish miles

Kimberly Swearingen (54) 3:24

Multiple Wrightson Massacre- 05/05/24

On Sunday 23 trail runners participated in the Wrightson Massacre.  The weather was nice - I think it was a bit cooler than in the past. And the company was great.  Bob and I really enjoyed seeing all of you and hanging out. Thanks for showing up! 


3 Trips:

Jason Poole (52) 10:04:25

2 Trips:

Tarah Flahavan (32)* 6:19:20

Morgan Drew (30) 6:55

Kyle Buntz (27)* 7:12

Billy Oliver (59) 7:21

Marcy Beard (55) 9:23:51

1.5 Trips:

Derek Lemoine (42) 3:33

Fernando Bustamante (58) 5:00:26

1 Trip:

Kevin Cross (35) 3:19:38

Chris Herald (37) 3:19:38

Adeene Denton (29) 3:21

Renee Stevens (56) 3:49

Dallas Stevens (62) 3:49

Chris McGrew (55) 4:04

Gerald Bach (75) 4:14

Cade Engle (26) 4:14

Michael Pilz (55) 4:33

Joseph Tovar (41) 4:33

Brian Bokowski (44) 4:33

Judith Shaw (56) 4:45

Kamran Talattof (69) 4:57

Cliff Anderson (65) 6:05

Tal Garfinkel (46) 6:05

Sunset Side-Door Festival of Routes- 05/19/24

We had 13 runners take on the Sunset Side-Door Festival of Routes. It was a great morning up on Mount Lemmon with nearly perfect weather. Thank you to everyone who showed up! 


Lily Wilhelm 20 miles 5:03

Ben Engebreth 16.52 miles 3:45

Dallas Stevens 16.2 miles 5:29

Renee Stevens 16.2 miles 5:29

Steve Outridge 15.25 miles 4:51

Fox Foster 12.8 miles 3:17

Fred Ahrens 11 miles 5:17:29

Tim Cronk 10.2 miles 2:42

Matt Chandler 8 miles 2:18

Brian Bokowski 8 miles 2:18

Scott Zentack 7.5 miles 1:48:49

Heather Webber 6.25 miles 2:42

Cliff Anderson 3 miles 0:58 (rode his bike up Catalina Highway to get there!)

Meadow Mills 1 mile 0:9:50 (did not sign waiver but is still a very good girl)