Mt. Wrightson Ascent 5.2 mi. Sept. 8 2002
Chase Duarte 35 1:14:58
Hedley Bond 55 1:29
Joel O’Bryan 40 1:30:20
Tom Boyle 42 1:33
David Ramirez 46 1:35
Bob Redwanc 46 1:35
Travis Wheeler 30 1:35
Pam Golden 47 1:36
Lisa Ford 31 1:36:30
Glenn Vencill 48 1:36:37
Bob Bachani 46 1:37:34
Wayne Coates 54 1:39
Jerry Riddick 50 1:39
Chris Avery 1:40
Gene Joseph 50 1:40
Ross Zimmerman 49 1:47
Pete Chagaris 29 2:01
Tonja Chagaris 29 2:01
Karen Tempkin 28 2:01
Long Route Up (Supertrail 8 mi.)
Trish Duarte 2:23
Carolyn Fiolek 2:23
Charles Hangartner 2:23
Alli LaCroix 2:23
Tracy Wood 2:47
Partial-6.4 mi. R.T.
Dori Arter —-
A good number of runners braved the chance of rain to start this years Wrightson Ascent run. Actually, given the fact that we are all Tucsonans, coming out of a #!*^ hot summer, it was a no-brainer to show up for a run in what promised to be cooler temperatures. We were more than compensated. The air was a little juicy, but reasonably cool and we were greeted at the top by no wind and a beautiful, rare, blanket of clouds below to the south, leaving us with the impression that we were somewhere much higher and much wetter. The summer wildflowers were in full bloom along the trail with a moderate, but good show after a very dry early summer. Very little blood was shed on this day, an unusual occurrence any time on this steep, rocky trail. gj
Sabino Basin Run 13.69 mi. Sept. 29, 2002
Bill Cuculic 1:51:40
Joel O’Bryan 2:11:45
Pete Gonczlik 2:11:57
Geno Foushee 2:17:25
Celestino Fernandez 2:20:00
Bob Redwanc 2:24:00
Female Ghost Runner 2:26:14
Tom Wiper 2:27:58
Tom Bolye 2:36:10
Paul Vyroites 2:36:10
Lisa Ford 2:38:44
Travis Wheeler 2:41:46
Jerry Riddick 2:49:00
Pam Golden 2:52:16
Wayne Coates 3:08
Ross Zimmerman 3:09:09
Kim Ferranti 3:16:15
Enrique Aviles 3:24:25
Road Return
Jennifer Aviles 2:37
Barbara Wiper 2:37
Alli LaCroix 3:02
Tanja Chagaris 3:02
Tracy Woods 3:49:06
Late Start
Chase Duarte 1:59:50
Daivd Ramirez 2:54
Tom Dobosz 2:57
Long Route (i.e. got lost)
Bev Schultz 3:51
Bob Fujita 3:51
Bear Canyon Loop 16.8 mi. Oct.13, 2002
Bill Cuculic 2:12:19
Chase Duarte 2:15:14
Pete Gonczlik 2:45:44
Celestino Fernandez 2:48:06
Geno Foushee 2:50:29
Ron Beard 2:53:04
Female Ghost Runner 2:56:40
Bob Bachani 2:59:32
Roger Shanley 2:59:58
Gene Joseph 3:02:00
Glenn Vencill 3:04:30
Steve Olson 3:13:40
Pam Golden 3:13:50
Charles Hangartner 3:16:18
Jerry Riddick 3:35:01
Bob Redwanc 3:35:01
Tonja Chagaris 3:45:25
Pete Chagaris 3:45:25
Enrique Aviles 3:48:26
Wayne Coates 3:50:26
Trish Duarte 4:03:57
Carolyn Fiolek 4:07:33
Kim Ferranti 4:07:39
Rich Hastings 4:19:41
Late Start
Tom Boyle 2:52:50
Hazy skies, warm weather. No runners got off course. bc
Agua Caliente Hill Run 15mi. October 27, 2002
Chase Duarte 2:44:49
Pete Gonczlik 3:00:22
Ron Beard 3:02:45
Paul Vyriotes 3:08
Bob Redwanc 3:08
David Ramirez 3:36
Wayne Coates 3:36:50
Female Ghost Runner 3:36:58
Charles Hangartner 3:42:58
Ross Zimmerman 4:53
11 mile loop
Trish Duarte 2:49:25
Alli LaCroix 2:49:25
Tonja Chagaris 2:49.25
Carolyn Fiolek 2:52:41
The run started in Pam Golden’s and Ross Zimmerman’s driveway. There was a fair amount of discussion of the black clouds to the west and the not-to-distant thunder. Several people added more layers to their equipment. As the skies promised, once on the trail it began to rain, and there was a cold breeze. At the saddle where the 1.9 mile dogleg climbs very steeply to the hilltop, several people decided to drop on down, doing the 11 mile option. All who went up where rewarded with cold, rain, and great views. The misty vistas where a bit mysterious looking. The second half of the run crosses the spectacular canyons of Agua Caliente and La Milagrosa, where Julie Arter made the acquaintance of a sizable desert tortoise. Everyone made it down in good order, and seemed to prefer coffee brewed by Pam to the large supply of frozen fruit bars which were popular in warmer years. rz
Romero Pass 12.74mi. Nov 3, 2002
Geno Foushee 3:07
Travis Wheeler 3:20
Bob Redwanc 3:21
Gene Joseph 3:21
Bob Fujita 3:54
Pam Golden 3:54
Rich Hastings 4:57
Ross Zimmerman 5:04
Gail Piceno 5:40
Debra Allen 5:40
Tonja Chagris —
Pete Chagris —
Steve Olson —
We had modest cloud cover, no rain, calm winds, and cool temperatures from start to finish. Perfect running weather. At least one person spotted a pack of Coatimundi and everyone heard them chit chatting. Those things make a lot of noise! pv
Mt. Lemmon Ascent 18.6mi. Nov. 17, 2002
Tom Boyle 4:16:10
Chase Duarte 4:16:10
Geno Foushee 4:26:50
Bob Bachani 4:29:50
Female Ghost Runner 4:34:37
Bob Redwanc 4:53:53
Gene Joseph 4:59:15
Hedley Bond 5:16:22
Travis Wheeler 5:20:17
Pam Golden 5:34:57
Jerry Riddick 5:34:57
Tonja Chagaris 5:36:44
Rane Stites 5:38:25
Wayne Coates 5:41:52
David Ramirez 5:56:04
Paul Vyriotes 5:56:04
Halsey Hall 7:10:32
Ross Zimmerman 7:15:43 (nice enough to sweep the trail)
Paola Banchero 7:15:43
6 am start
Melody Varner 7:29:43
Midnight start….geeeez!
Male Ghost Runner 8:12 12
tnecsA nommeL .tM
Rick Kelly —
Ken Greco —
Last weekend’s ascent up the mountain went really well. The weather was near perfect. Not nearly as cold at the top as recent years…and no snow and NO bear sightings! Here are a few highlights: Duane puked at Romero Pass. (that’ll teach him to hike all night), Melody missed Romero Pass (how many times have you done this run?), Ron Beard never made it to Romero Pass. (we expected you at the run!), Bob Bachani wins the cheerleader award…what a set of lungs! Julie wins the brutality award…making everyone touch the gate! Everyone did really well and came up smiling. Lots of poison oak…anybody get any? td
Sabino 50ishKm Dec. 1, 2002
Runner-Molino-Sabino-Route and Notes
Chase Duarte- 2:16:36-5:11:25 Phoneline return. Polite puker.
Geno Foushee- 3:04 -6:09 Phoneline return. Longest run ever, I think.
Female Ghost Runner - 3:01- 6:11:35
Road return with dogleg
Gene Joseph- 3:04- 6:27 Phoneline return. Oldest finisher on Phoneline
David Ramirez- 3:22- 7:20
Road return with dogleg.
Bob Redwanc- 3:14- 7:23:27 Phoneline return. Coming off flu–speechless at finish
Rodger Wrublik- 3:44- 7:11 Road return
Tonja Chagaris- 3:37- 7:25
Road return
Rick Kelley- 4:52- 10:02
Road return
Tracy Wood- 4:44- 8:57
Road return
Paul Vyriotes- 3:18- 6:15
Turned at aid station
Tom Boyle- 2:44:43 —
Trish Duarte- 3:44
Carolyn Fiolak- 3:44
Joe Dana -Out and back on Phoneline. Coming back from cancer treatment. Oldest participant. GO JOE!
Fifteen people signed up for the run. Sabino 50 is a sort of running festival. There were a variety of game plans and turn-around points. Joe Dana only planned to go up Phone Line. Jane Evans hiked out about 8 miles or so, then came back to meet Gene. Several folks stopped at Molino Basin. I originally laid out the course as a supportable winter ultra-distance trail run. You head up Phoneline to Sabino Basin, then go east on the Arizona Trail in the intermountain valley of the Catalinas. There’s a fair amount of up and down, but no really steep parts. People have a tendency to get confused crossing the silted-in Sycamore Reservoir. The high point is 5200 feet–unlikely to get much snow if a front comes through. The turn-around for the 50ish K is the ridge just east of Molino Basin, 1+ miles past the aid station. On the return, people could take Sabino Canyon road or the Phoneline Trail. Some people went down the road, then took the turn that leads to Lower Sabino and picked up the trail that leads east from the starting alcove, which is close to the Phoneline return distance, but not as nasty for a tired person (I called it a dogleg return in the notes.). Wayne Coates and Jerry Riddick helped me at the Molino Aid Station, and plan to run the course in the next few months to get us an accurate mileage with Wayne’s GPS. My son Gabe came along to help, Chris Fall came out, and a few other friends and spouses showed up at Molino to pick people up or just to say hi. I was very pleased with the runners and the helpers. The weather was pretty close to perfect, perhaps a touch warm for some of the long course finishers. We did a bit of watch juggling when I tried to synchronize with Jerry. He and Wayne covered while I ran a bit, then went down to the finish to get finishing times and return drop bags. Chase wacked over 28 minutes off his time from last year, then politely went behind a bush while he considered throwing up. Julie continued her comeback from her year off running. Rick Kelley did his first ultra since achilles surgery. Jerry and I did some watch matching–I hope we’re close on the times. rz
Soldier/La Milagrosa 15.2 mi. Dec. 15, 2002
Chase Duarte 35 2:26:48 Great weather
Geno Foushee 40 3:04:00
Female Ghost Runner 42 3:07:08
Bob Redwanc 3:07:10
Jerry Riddick 51 3:07:12
Gene Joseph 50 3:07:15
Ken Greco 35 3:11:18
David Ramirez 46 3:14:39
Paul Vyriotes 40 3:20:10 Missed the American Flag (Canadian, eh?)
Pam Golden 48 3:44:33
Trish Duarte 41 3:51:31 Thinks she rocks
Alli La Croix 26 3:51:31 Thinks she rocks too. Start a band.
Ross Zimmerman 3:54:00
Paola Banchero 3:54:??
Tom Dobosz 3:55:00
Joe Dana 3:55:18
Tracy Wood 5:04:33
Rick Kelley 52 5:20:06
Pete Chagaris 30 3:10:00 Out to Molino and back on road
Tanja Chagaris 3:10:00 Out to Molino and back on road
The morning dawned an overcast but relatively warm 41 degrees. Twenty runners (14 men, 6 women) left the trailhead at 7:08 a.m. with Duane Arter already on trail from an early start. Chase Duarte reported great weather on trail during his tempo run of 2:26:48 and indeed the clouds broke up and more sun came through as the morning wore on. Everyone else ran fairly fast times and came in quickly in spite of the steepness of the trail in some spots. Welcome back to Joe Dana and Ken Greco, both looking fast and strong. pg
Romero Crossing 21mi. Jan. 1, 2003
Chase Duarte 35 3:37
Steve Olson 41 3:53
Geno Foushee 40 4:02
Bob Bachani 47 4:09
Gene Joseph 50 4:12:31
Bob Redwanc 46 4:19:55
Ken Greco 35 4:32:25
Wayne Coates 55 5:03
Rodger Wrublik 45 5:03
Pete Chagaris 30 5:17:13
Tonja Chagaris 30 5:17:13
Trish Duarte 41 5:49:50
Alli LaCroix 26 5:49:50
Rich Hastings 42 6:09:15
Kandi Karuza 7:39
Rick Kelley 7:39
22 mile out and back
Joe Dana 5:51
Sabino Basin and back (via Phoneline)
Gordon Neal… leisurely
Ross Zimmerman… likewise (I didn’t check)
Note: Gordon is a past administrator of the trail run series and director of one of the earlier editions of the OP 50. He now lives in Colorado Springs, teaches math to high schoolers, and trains on Pike’s Peak. Gordon has run ultras in Mongolia and Panama and bicycled around the world amongst other adventures. rbz
The day was perfect for a low mountain run. Temps were in the 30′s at the start when 19 TTRunners toed the line at Sabino. 16 of us went on over to Catalina State Park to bring in the new year of running. The trail was pretty overgrown above Hutch’s pool and is threatening to slide off the mountain in places. We encountered the first significant snow of about one foot in depth just as we dipped down into Romero canyon. The trail had been packed down and frozen over which made some sections treacherous. Amazingly, the only blood shed seemed to be from the ‘wait-a-minute’ bush on the ascent in Sabino. Temperatures in the 60′s greeted runners at the finish. gj
Wasson Peak 15mi. Jan 5, 2003
Chase Duarte 1:57:59 (P.R.)
Joel O’Bryan 2:28:28
Tom Wiper 2:23:17 ( 2nd to the summit!)
Bob Redwanc 2:38:50
Ken Greco 2:38:50
Glenn Vencill 2:38:50
Wayne Coates 2:57:45
Pam Golden 3:12:00
Ross Zimmerman 3:15:50
Joe Dana 3:23:00
Rick Kelley 4:04:04
Kandi Karuza 4:04:04
Jennifer Aviles 4:17:30
Enrique Aviles 4:17:30
10mi. (+/-)
Jim Shea 2:48:55
8.2 miles
Trish Duarte 1:44
Alli LaCroix 1:44
Paul Vyriotes 1:44
Pete Chagaris 1:46
Tonja Chagaris 1:46
Carolyn Frolek 1:46
It couldn’t have been a more perfect day for a run. Cool and clear , although still a bit early. After Ross’ rousing trail description, 20 runners set out and 20 returned. ( Make that 18- Alli and Paul took the scenic route to the trailhead
and arrived a few minutes later). Chase ran a blazing 8:12 pace and nearly caught the runners who did the half loop Tom led Joel to the summit, but then Joel disregarding life and limb, flew down to the finish just ahead of Tom. Ross almost caught up to Pam (but not quite!). No blood. Lots of stairs. A good day for all. jr
Winter Bear Canyon 16.8mi. Jan. 19,2003
Celestino Fernandez 53 2:46:35
Bob Redwanc 46 2:52:00
Jerry Riddick 51 2:52:00
Tom Boyle 42 2:55:08
Chris Fall 40 2:57:35
Pete Gonczlik 37 2:58:35
Gene Joseph first loop 3:12:34 second loop 4:17:50 total 7:30:24
Female Ghost Runner 42 3:16:54
Ken Greco 35 3:17:24
David Ramirez 46 3:21:28
Joel O’Bryan first loop 3:22:00 second loop 3:32 total 6:54
Charlie Hangartner 41 3:32:35
Kim Ferranti 44 3:50:29
Ross Zimmerman 50 4:00:29
Laura Beer 34 4:00:29
Kandi Karuza 44 4:19:30
Alli LaCroix 26 4:33:14
Nicole LaCroix 31 4:33:14
day before
Wayne Coates 55 3:16:43
Bob Bachani first loop 3:11:05 second loop 3:48:07 total 7:11:05
John Mark first loop 3:30:00 second loop 3:55:00 total 7:30
The day started off much warmer than last year. An added bonus was the moon setting over the mountains, framed by a saguaro. Joel arrived from his first loop just in time to start with the group and commence his second. Dogs at the intersection of the trail and the Arizona Trail were a bit of a problem for a couple of runners, but thankfully no one was bitten. Three runners did the loop the day before. In total 4 runners did two loops, with Ken planning to do a second but catastrophe struck! All in all a good day, even if the Forest Service “Officer” did not like my table and made me remove it – keep this in mind for future runs as no “structures” are allowed and a table is classified as a “structure” – go figure! wc
Cowhed Saddle 17 mi. Feb. 2, 2003
Joel O’Bryan 3:08:05
Celestino Fernandez 53 3:12:44
Geno Foushee 3:13:26
Bob Redwanc 46 3:14:39
Bob Bachani 3:29:42
Hedley Bond 3:31:40
John Mark 50 3:36:53
Gene Joseph 50 3:49:44
Joe Dana 66 4:03:48
Kim Ferranti 44F 4:07:57
Enrique Aviles 47 4:49:10
Next Day Run
Chase Duarte 2:39:21
Douglass Springs
Tom Boyle 42 2:57:30
Alli LaCroix 26 2:57:30
Ross Zimmerman 50 2:57:30
Female Ghost Runner 42
Along the Trail
Willie Shoemaker
Tracy Wood
Mary Alice Bachani
Jennifer Aviles 58
The weather on February 2 took a cooler, partly cloudy and breezy turn so the nineteen people who showed up to run Cowhead Saddle, Douglas Springs or something else along the Douglas Springs trail were treated to a cool, pleasant and relatively fast run. Joe Dana reported at the start that water was present at the Springs but the drought remains in evidence; the trail was dry the entire way. ja
Tanque Verde Loop 28 miles Feb. 16, 2003
Runner-Time-Finish route
Chase Duarte- 4:47:34 Road
Chris Fall 5:34:54 Road
Geno Foushee 5:37:08 Road
Bob Redwanc 5:43:52 Road
Bob Bachani 5:48:14 Trail
Pete Gonczlik 6:02:28 Road
Gene Joseph 6:02:46 Road
Female Ghost Runner 6:06:05 Road
Hedley Bond 6:06:16 Trail
Ken Greco 6:23:02 Road
David Ramirez 7:00:34 Trail
Alli LaCroix 7:12:13 Road
Jerry Riddick 7:12:13 Road
Joe Dana 7:40:27 Trail
Javelina Picnic Area (20 miles)
Wayne Coates 5:27
Enrique Avilez 6:35
Jennifer Aviles 7:12
Carolyn Frolek —
Trish Duarte —
Tonja Chagaris —
The weather conditions were ideal for a good run. The temperature at starting time was 38 degrees rising to the mid 60s before everyone finished, much cooler than in previous years. Several runners posted significant PRs not only due to the cooler conditions but also to very competitive attitudes and determination. Chase Duarte ran an impressive 4:47:34, a PR by 8 minutes. Bob Redwanc improved his PR from last year’s 6:19 to a 5:43. Bob Bachani entertained everyone with his spirited cheering on of runners as they completed the last few hundred yards up Speedway. Bob is running very well after battling PF for a very long time and posted an excellent 5:48. Julie Arter was first woman with a very good time of 6:06. Though no runner got seriously lost, several spent some time wandering around trying to pick up the trail after getting off course. After the run, runners kicked back and enjoyed
beverages, snacks and camaraderie before the trip home. It was a good day. Thanks to Duane Arter for manning the aid station at Javelina Picnic Area. rk
Esperero Canyon Loop 21.3 mi. Mar. 9, 2003
Geno Foushee 4:43:12
Gene Joseph 4:45:51
Female Ghost Runner 5:01:10
Pete Gonzlik 5:11:45
Ken Greco 5:26:40
Charlie Hangartner 5:42:51
Tonja Chagaris 6:46
Laura Beer 6:46
6:30 AM Start
Joe Dana 7:18:41
6:05 AM Start
Bob Bachani 4:57:05
4:00 AM Start
Male Ghost Runner 7:55
Really early starters
Saturday Mar 8
Kandi Karuza —
Rick Kelley —
Thursday Mar 6
Steve Olsen 4:43
Jerry Riddick —
Ross Zimmerman —
Wynne Brown —
Hedley Bond —
Phone Line Associates
MaryAlice Bachani —
Melody Varner —
Conditions were unseasonably warm for the 2003 Esperero Canyon Loop. Esperero starts at Sabino, hops a couple of small canyons, then drops into Esperero Canyon. Others echoed Steve Olsen’s report of conditions. Gene reported that it became quite a bit wetter in the vicinity of Bridal Veil Falls. Likewise for some of the small drainages as people climbed the flank of Cathedral Rock. Duane reported 5-6 inches of snow on the the backside. The route descends to Sabino West Fork, then down to Sabino Basin, on to the road and down. Several people commented on the heat, with Charlie Hangartner looking the most impressively sweaty. Ken Greco kept up his string of bloody finishes, also winning the chafed award. Joe Dana had the best story of off-course adventures. Geno Foushee was the first finisher of the group that started at 7:06 AM. Congratulations, Geno! That said, Bob Bachani appeared first–he said he had a vision while consuming Marguaritas the night before that led to a 6:05 AM beat-the-heat start. Tonja wrote a note of protest to her “damn feet”. Everyone seemed to have a good day. I’ve listed every runner who seemed in some way affiliated with this year’s event. rz
Mica Mounain Marathon 26.2mi Mar. 30, 2003
Geno Foushee 5:47:30
Hedley Bond 5:53:51
Female Ghost Runner 6:36:40
Jerry Riddick 7:01:50
Bob Redwanc 7:01:50
Wayne Coates 7:12:47
David Ramirez 7:33:00
Enrique Aviles 9:38:03
Jennifer Aviles 9:38:11
Male Ghost Runner —
Bruce Gungle 4:12:00
Ross Zimmerman 5:08:21
Joe Dana (Sat) 4:45:47
About 1.2 miles past Douglas Springs
Winne Brown 4:42:00
A lovely day for a run. It was reported to be cold and windy at the top with little snow but lots of water in the creeks.
Jennifer and Enrique cleverly timed there arrival at the top after the wind had abated and the temperature had warmed. jd
Mt. Bigelow Ascent and Descent 30.8mi. Apr. 13, 2003
Bob Bachani 5:51
Geno Foushee 6:04
Gene Joseph 6:10
Bob Redwanc 6:14
Female Ghost Runner 6:36
Jerry Riddick 6:50
Bruce Gungle 6:50
Wayne Coates 7:28
Rich Boston 8:47
5 AM Start
Melody Varner 10:13
Steve Olson Friday —
Male Ghost Runner Saturday night
Chase Duarte 2:50
Tom Boyle 2:57
Joel O’Bryan 3:12
Pam Golden 3:42
David Ramirez 3:46
Ross Zimmerman 4:02
Tom Dobosz 4:05
Gary Biamonte —
Willie Shoemaker —
Mt. Bigelow Ascent became Almost Bigelow this year because the Forest Service has closed off the trail. Steve Olson did the run on Friday and went to the towers, but I didn’t think we should have a dozen or so people plus an aid station flaunting the Forest Service closure. Eighteen people did the 6AM Sunday start, with a send off from Duane Arter who did his typical nocturnal pre-run. Conditions were cool and stayed that way to the turn-around at the new parking lot opposite where Organization Ridge Rd. intersects Mt. Lemmon Highway. Chase Duarte
zipped up in 2 hours, 50 minutes, but decided not to run back down due to some leg pain. This left an opening for Bob Bachani, who was clearly on a mission. I was trotting up with Rich Boston, an experienced ultra guy but new to our series, and Wayne Coates, who was feeling a bit worse for wear after doing the Sunset run the night before. A crazed Bob came zooming down, followed closely by Geno Foushee. We got to the turn-around just behind Melody Varner, who started early. MaryAlice Bachani set up a great aid station that we all appreciated (Umm, turkey wraps….). We left Tom Dobosz to meet his wife, and Tom Boyle to wait for the two new guys he had recruited (Gary and Willie). Pam and I had left the Trooper up top the night before to haul ourselves and others down. We got back down to Sabino and dragged refreshments over to the ramada just in time to see Bob zooming down the road to the finish. Turns out he had put about 10 minutes on Geno on the descent, which is a good trick. Also turns out Bob had done the Sunset run the night before. Julie Arter held up the distaff side of the run in her usual fashion, looking pretty unfazed. She indicated she had had to hold back a bit on the descent to avoid aggravating her back, which has been a nuisance of late. Most people said it was a cooler, more pleasant run than last year. Wayne has already posted his calculations of distance and elevation change. If they are close to accurate, the ascent was 14.20 miles and 5759 cumulative feet of ascent. Round trip was 28.31 miles and 6266 cumulative feet ascent. Remember the short course if you’re comparing times to other years. rz
Multiple Wrightson Massacre May 18, 2003
Bob Bachani 2 trips
Female Ghost Runner 2 trips
Joe Dana 2 trips
Hedley Bond 2 trips
Bill Cuculic 1 trip
Ross Zimmerman 1 trip
Ron Beard 1 trip
Craig Haymowicz 1 trip
Willie Schumaker 1 trip
Gary Biamonte 1 trip
MaryAlice Bachani .9 trip (Baldy Saddle)
Starting early Saturday evening
Male Ghost Runner 1 trip
Rich Hastings 1 trip
A fun time was reported by all.
Saturday May 17, 2003
Ken Greco 4.2 trips
(The extra .2 to bring me a Pepsi! Thanks, Ken!rk)
Bob Bachani 4 trips
Rick Kelley 3 trips
Kandi Karuza 2 trips
Although it proved to be a hot day, it was a ton of fun to be out there! rk &kg
Santa Catalina Ascent 24.2mi. May 31 and June 1, 2003
Santa Catalina Ascent was held on Saturday and Sunday, giving runners an option on which day to run. The original route, the dream child of Duane Arter, is Sabino Canyon tram road to Sabino Basin, Sabino Basin to Palisades trail. The course goes up Palisades to Butterfly trail. From Butterfly trail, the route continues on Sunset trail to Marshall Gulch. From Marshall Gulch the route goes up Marshall Gulch trail to the saddle, continuing on Aspen trail (previously known as Radio Ridge) to the top of the ski lift. From there, the course drops down Aspen Draw Trail to the finish at the Ski Valley Parking Lot. Last year’s Bullock Fire has closed Butterfly Trail. This led to re-routing the course from Palisades. This year’s course ran the Mt. Lemmon Highway to the Mt. Bigelow road and then onto Bear Wallow Road. Bear Wallow road meets back up with Mt. Lemmon Highway. From there the route continued on Mt. Lemmon Highway to Sunset Trail. From there the course remained essentially the same except from Marshall Gulch, the route took Aspen Trail all the way to the top of the Ski Lift to add an additional 1.3 miles.
Saturday (May 31)
Chase Duarte 36 5:02
Bob Bachani 47 5:48
Chris Fall 41 5:49
Joel O’Bryan 41 6:07
Ken Greco 35 6:32
Paul Vyriotes 41 6:59
Michelle Dejong 34 7:00
Trish Duarte 42 7:04
Alli LaCroix 27 7:04
Joe Dana 67 7:49
Start to Palisades (13.66 mi.):
Charlie Hangartner 42 3:50
Pete Gonczlik 37 4:12
Rare May thunderstorms the night before provided a cooler morning temperature in the low 60s. Twelve runners started, with most of them opting for a 5 am ish start. Trish, Alli and Joe spotted a rattlesnake on the Palisades Trail. Steve Olson and Mary Alice Bachani provided aid station support at the top of the Palisades trail. At the finish, Pete flagged down a Red Bull distributor who provided Red Bulls for all the runners. Several runners got lost at the top of the Ski Lift looking for Aspen Draw trail.
Sunday (June 1)
Hedley Bond 56 5:59
Female Ghost Runner 42 5:59
Tom Dobosz 47 8:19
David Ramirez 46 8:19
Start to Palisades (13.66 mi.):
Gene Joseph 50 3:48
Ross Zimmerman 50 4:58
Palisades to Finish (10.56 mi.):
Wayne Coates 2:29
Sunday morning temperatures were 8 to 10 degrees warmer than Saturday and it got quite warm heading up Palisades. Tom and David started at 5 am. The remainder started at 6 am. Ken Greco provided aid station support at the top of Palisades trail and Jane Evans brought frozen Eegees to the finish for everyone.