Mt. Wrightson Ascent - 9/18/22 - 5.2 miles to the top
Thanks to all those who came out today! Another beautiful day in the Santa Ritas. Hope to see you around on the trails again soon. Here are the results from today's ascent up Mount Wrightson.
-Rick Mick
Mt. Wrightson Ascent - 5.2 miles
Emilio Anaya (24) 1:17
Tim Cronk (60) 1:26
*Wesley Smith (43) 1:32
Caroline Mosley (33) 1:34
Michael Duer (53) 1:36
Fernando Bustamante (56) 1:36
Caitlin Vogelsberg (37) 1:39
Ethan Ray (38) 1:41
Dallas Stevens (61) 1:44
Derek Vo (30) 1:44
Chris LaRoche (31) 1:44
*Brian Kennedy (52) 1:45
Robert Nowak (39) 1:47
Cliff Anderson (63) 1:51
Renee Stevens (54) 1:53
Benjamin Weiner (54) 1:54
Jacob Lashot (38) 1:54
Robert Harris (49) 1:56
Cat Crawford (52) 1:56
Sarah Dasher (40) 1:59
Daniel Barajas (37) 1:59
*Tim Hyde (36) 2:08
Billy Oliver (58) 2:06
Liz McDougald (43) 2:07
Kamran Talattof (68) 2:09
Ellen Jordan (30) 2:10
Kimberly McElroy (33) 2:11
Cristina Luis (43) 2:12
*Julia Rowe (49) 2:14
Gerald Bach (73) 2:17
*First TTR route
Other Adventures
Bruce Johnson (68) Josephine > Super (6 miles)
Steven Warsaw (69) Baldy Saddle (8.7 miles)
Deborah Freuchtenicht (52) Old Baldy (7 miles)
Brian Freuchtenicht (58) Old Baldy (7 miles)
Sunset Loops - 10/2/22 - 17 miles
Thanks to all that came out for the Sunset Loops. The weather was great, nice and cool for most of the day. We had 18 runners show with 8 doing the full course. Also someone left a black and red Salomon pack in the parking area.
-Tristan Lee
Marshall Saddle/Mt. Lemmon/Wilderness of Rocks Loop - 17 miles
Wesley Smith (43) 3:46
Tim Cronk (60) 3:49
*Michael Wilcox (61) 4:32 plus 1 bonus mile
Brian Kennedy (52) 4:45
Cat Crawford (52) 4:48
Cliff Anderson (63) 5:01
Renee Stevens (54) 5:01
Derek Vo (30) 5:03
Michael Duer (53) 3:31 - 11.5 miles
Brian Bokowski (43) 2:51 - 10.33 miles
Heather Webber (53) 3:37 - 9.26 miles
Chris Fall (60) 2:31 - 8.2 miles
Steve Outridge (53) 2:31 - 8.2 miles
John Mollenhour (66) 1:33 - 6 miles
Bruce Johnson (68) 1:43 - 6 miles
*Erica De Los Santos (39) 1:54 - 6 miles
*First run with TTR
Sabino Basin - 10/16/22 - 13.7 miles
28 Runners came out to enjoy the cool, cloudy and damp morning at Sabino. Here are the results.
-Morey Brown
Sabino Basin - 13.7 miles
Rick Mick (38) 2:13
*Evan Sanford (24) 2:33:00
Tim Cronk (60) 2:33:04
Brianna Grigsby (35) 2:34:12
Robert Nowak (39) 2:39:32
Caitlin Vogelsberg (37) 2:44:53
Rogelio Hernandez (52) 2:49:27
Caroline Mosley (33) 2:54:00
Billy Oliver (58) 2:58:12
*Eva Peters (30) 3:00:30
*Dave Buist (38) 3:00:30
Cliff Anderson (63) 3:05:18
Brian Kelly (32) 3:18:00
Tristan Lee (43) 3:21:58
Lena Makena (44) 3:30:05
Robert Harris (49) 3:33:33
Stephen Woodall (44) 3:39:00
Chase Woodall (12) 3:39:00
Gerald Bach (73) 4:15:52
Out and back Phoneline to top of switchbacks - 9.8 miles
Heather Webber (59) 3:01:16
Phoneline to top of switchbacks and back on tram road - 9.1 miles
Angela Greynolds (39) 2:01
Kaitlin Kratter (39) 2:01
Gina Nelson (48) 2:40
*Kelly Mack (45) 2:40
*Debra Fruechtunicht (53) 3:41
Michael Duer (53) 2:49 - aimless wandering - 10.2 miles
Jacob Lashot (39) Bear Canyon & Phoneline
Florida-Madera-Florida Wrightson Double - 10/30/22 - 26.8 miles
Seven brave lads decided to risk stepping in some fresh bear scat in order to participate in the Florida-Wrightson run on Sunday. The weather was perfect and the bears cooperated, so it was a successful run. Note: all numbers are reasonably accurate +/- a few decimals. I ate WAY too many M&Ms and spent most of the day on a sugar high. I barely remember being there.
Thanks to Zach Nelson for covering Madera and providing shuttle service back to Florida Canyon. Thanks to the cellular gods for keeping the connection open so Florida and Madera could communicate all day. Thanks to all of the runners for not getting lost or eaten by a wild animal - keeps it simple that way. Peace, Love, Happiness
-Gerry Bach
Full Route - 26.8 miles
*Joseph Tovar (39) 8:26
Florida to Wrightson and Back - 15.8 miles
Kevin Cross (33) 4:07
Ben Weiner (55) 5:31
Cliff Anderson (63) 6:40
Chris LaRoche (31) 6:40
Florida to Wrightson to Madera - 13.3 miles
*Brian Bokowski (43) 3:55
Florida Saddle and Back - 9.4 miles
John Mollenhour (66) 2:52
*First run with TTR
Bear Canyon Loop - 11/6/22 - 16.8 miles
Thank you all for coming out to enjoy the run on Sunday. We had a total of 31 runners doing the full BCL or other routes in the area. Hope to see you out on the trails soon!
-Trish Aldridge
Full BCL
Emilio Anaya (24) 2:19:55
Tyler Stinson (35) 2:21:30
Mark DiFalco (23) 2:33:31
Rick Mick (38) 2:43:00
Dan Reavis (37) 2:47:15
Lucas Tyler (42) 2:50:00
Kevin Cross 2:50:00
Vasileios Paschalidis (43) 2:52:00
Aaron Van Geem (37) 2:58:00
James McNabb (34) 2:58:00
Dave Buist (38) 3:09:00
Thomas Fresneau (38) 3:12:00
Anne Neuenschwander (49) 3:15:00
Caroline Mosley (33) 3:10:00
Rogelio Hernandez (52) 3:16:00
Cliff Anderson (63) 3:20:00
Craig Mills (39) 3:30:00
Brian LeRoy (45) 3:34:00
Chris Fall 3:49:00
Sarah Dasher (41) 3:57:00
Ben Weiner (55) 3:58:00
David Armet (40) 4:32:00
Kelly Mack (45) 5:06:00
Gina Nelson (48) 5:06:00
Emily Truong (44) 5:09:00
Various Routes
Wesley Smith 45 minutes - Esperero Ramble
Noemi Mills 2:46:30 - 7 Falls
Mike Duer (53) 2:10 - 9 miles of meandering
Chris Avery (59) 9 miles of meandering
Evan Sanford (24) 4:07:00 - Bear Canyon out and back
Michelle Hawk Miscellaneous fun
Tanque Verde Loop - 11/13/22 - 28.5 miles
Thanks to everyone who came out to run the Tanque Verde Loop and other. We had a modest turnout of happy runners and some really nice weather. There were five people that ran the full 28.5 mile route. Hat's off to Vasileios who ran a really fast 4:58, and to everyone else who finished a challenging run. I enjoyed hanging out with everyone and It was good to see you all.
-Ryan Niccum
Full Route - 28.5 Miles
Vasileios Paschalidis (43) 4:58:05
Aaron Van Geem (37) 5:58:00
Cliff Anderson (63) 6:57:41
Tim Cronk (60) 7:14:25
Brian Kelly (33) 7:06:10
Tanque Verde Peak Out and Back - 22.4 Miles
Kevin Cross (33) 4:39:00
Javelina Picnic - 20 Miles
Derek Vo (30) 5:34:00
Cowhead Saddle, 17.9 Miles
Dave Buist (38) 4:05:00
Robert Nowak (39) 4:06:04
Javelina Picnic Alt. Low Desert Out and Back - 16 Miles
Caroline Mosely (33) 2:42:00
Caitlin Vogelsberg (37) 2:44:00
Douglas Springs Campground - 13.0 Miles
David Armet (40) 4:06:00
Julia Rowe (49) 3:52:00
Jennie Duberstein (49) 4:22:22
Miscellaneous - 8 Miles
John Mollenhour 1:22
Mt. Lemmon Ascent - 11/20/22 - 18.6 miles
Thanks to all that came out for the Lemmon Ascent. The wind was a bit rough to start but great weather overall. We had 14 runners take on and crush the ascent! Big thank you to our drivers James Cramton, Denise Plaster-Fall, and Ellen Jordan!
-Noemi Mills
Full Route - 18.6 Miles
Mark DiFalco (23) 3:54:36
Vasileios Paschalidis (42) 4:12:00
Steven Terry (43) 4:52:52
Tim Cronk (60) 4:57:46
*Susie Stephen (43) 5:20:31
Sarah Zentack (44) 5:30:56
*Sarah Bratt (32) 5:30:56
*Matt Kinne (36) 5:30:56
Cliff Anderson (63) 5:59:00
Billy Oliver (58) 6:15:17
Chris Fall (60) 6:16:14
Bruce Gungle (63) 6:16:14
Robert Harris (49) 7:02:00
Pam Hoyt (66) 7:46:00
*First run with TTR
Loma Alta - 11/27/22 - miles
20 courageous souls braved the cold this morning and joined the wonderful Loma Alta run. They all lived to fight another day as no one went all the way to Manning Camp for the full 28.8 miles. I was told the trails were smooth like butter, so everyone made it back safe (luckily for them cause I wouldn't want to get stranded on a mountain on my watch), and enjoyed the post run fun. Some disappointment was expressed because I didn't make my famous baklava to share with the runners. Oh well, even I am not perfect. Many thanks to all who came out this morning!
Grass Shack - 20.2 miles
Benjamin Weiner (55) 5:12
Andy Vasko (46) 5:40
Manning Camp trail junction - 14.2 miles
Wesley Smith (43) 2:22
Steven Terry (43) 2:29
Sarah Zentack (44) 2:48
Sarah Bratt (32) 2:48
Matt Kinne (36) 2:48
Brian Bokowski (43) 2:50
*James Cramton (53) 3:14
Brian Kennedy (52) 3:24
Cat Crawford (52) 3:29
Tim Cronk (60) 3:49
Joan D'Alonzo (63) 4:01
Other distances
Fred Ahrens (66) 5:43, 15 miles
Michael Duer (53) 3:12, 14.6 miles meander
Heather Webber (59) 3:52, 13.1 miles
*Jason Wood (38) 2:17, 9 miles
*First run with TTR
Kings Canyon & Wasson Peak - 12/18/22 - 7.7 miles
We had 29 runners show up for todays King Canyon & Wasson Peak run. It started off cloudy with a few sprinkles but ended nicely in the cool morning. A lot of desire was expressed for a multi-loop option, so I think it's likely that will be coming in the future!
Brian Kelly
Full Route
Mike Duer (53) 1:20
*Jak Kearsley (25) 1:23
Brian Bokowski (43) 1:25
Brad Mascal (36) 1:28
Tim Cronk (60) 1:29
Wesley Smith (43) 1:31
Joanna Carr (36) 1:31
Rogelio Hernandez (52) 1:31
John Mollenhour (66) 1:35
Cliff Anderson (63) 1:40
Dave Putney (52) 1:43
Dari Duval (38) 1:46
James Cramton (53) 1:46
Chris LaRoche (31) 1:48
Chris Avery (59) 1:52
Tom Gormley (52) 1:52
*Ben Roark (39) 1:59
Jim Edwards (61) 2:06
Tricia Aldridge (53) 2:06
Steve Sanchez (52) 2:12
John Rogers (72) 2:14
Honore MacCoy-Patty (57) 2:15
Gerald Bach (73) 2:51
Kristin Trapp (50) 2:51
Andy Vasko (46) 2:24 - 8.8 miles
Michael Pilz (53) 2:24 - 8.8 miles
Jim Porter (63) 3:11 - 7.3 miles
Lisa Glick (62) 3:11 - 7.3 miles
*First run with TTR
Honeybee Christmas Eve Marathon(ish) - 12/24/22 - 28 miles
Thank you to everyone that came out to enjoy a gorgeous day of running in the "Honeybee" area, along the base of the Tortolita Mountains. There were 35 people that joined us for an, unusual for TTR, flatter route that can sometimes be "harder" since there's seldom a legitimate reason to walk. What is usual about this particular run are the navigation errors and slight wrong turns made by some folks, since none of the trails are marked out there. The most common error was made coming back to the powerline road the last time, missing the right turn onto the powerline road, since the trail does go straight across as well. Thankfully everyone returned without any major deviations and a great morning was reported by all. Additional thanks goes to everyone who brought a yummy holiday treat to share. Let us know if there any updates needed to the below results.
-Stephen Woodall & Angela Greynolds
Big Loop - 27.8 miles
Cliff Anderson (63) 4:59:51
Tristan Lee (43) 5:05:25
Lena Makena (44) 5:47:01
Intermediate Loop - 21.7 miles
*William Mitchell (31) 2:50 - missed top corner & powerline segment at bottom
Vasileios Paschalidis (43) 3:09
Rogelio Hernandez (52) 3:14:09
Sarah Zentack (44) 3:15
Tim Cronk (60) 3:23
*Jeremy Ambrosio (25) 3:24 - missed powerline segment at bottom
*Lauren Reasoner (38) 3:24 - missed powerline segment at bottom
Thomas Fresneau (38) 3:25
Sharon Silvas (55) 3:27 - missed powerline segment at bottom
Sarah Bratt (32) 3:41 - missed powerline segment at bottom
Matt Kinne (32) 3:41 - missed powerline segment at bottom
*Tamara Hinsburg (46) 3:48 - 21.24 miles
Renee Stevens (55) 4:28
Pam Hoyt (66) 4:51 - 21 miles - took out SW corner of loop
Judith Shaw (54) 5:07
Tom Shaw (60) 5:07
Mid-Bee Loop - 15.6 miles
Brianna Grigsby (35) 2:17:09 - missed powerline segment at bottom
Caroline Mosley (33) 2:18 - 16.27 miles
Steve Outridge (53) 2:21 - 16 miles
Short Loop - 12 miles
Lucas Tyler (41) 1:38 - 13 miles
Brian Bokowski (43) 1:39
Craig Mills (39) 1:40
Sarah Jansen (38) 1:42:25
John Mollenhour (66) 1:44
Brad Mascal (36) 1:48:30
Claire Hans (35) 1:53
Jacob Lashot (39) 2:00
James Cramton (53) 2:11 - 13.8 miles
Joan D'Alonzo (63) 2:19:29
Kelly Mack (45) 2:20
Heather Webber (59) 2:40
Caitlin Vogelsberg (38) 1:16 - 8 miles
Noemi Mills (39) 1:20 - 6 miles
Dallas Stevens (61) 4:30 - Hike
*First run with TTR
Wasson Peak - 12/31/22 - 14.2 miles
It was a beautiful morning for the annual Wasson Peak run, and we had 27 runners come out. A little blood was spilled, a few wrong turns were taken, and the infamous steps were cursed a few times. All in all, a good day on the trails!
Joan D'Alonzo
Full Route - 14.2 miles
Tyler Stinson (35) 2:13
Ramon Billy (49) 2:21 - 15 miles- full route + a wrong turn
Steven Terry (43) 2:22
Jeff Ladderud (32) 2:24
Brianna Grigsby (35) 2:29
Jak Kearsley (25) 2:31
Caroline Mosley (33) 2:32
Tim Cronk (60) 2:35
Sarah Jansen (38) 2:38
Steve Outridge (53) 2:38
Craig Mills (39) 2:45
Rogelio Hernandez (52) 2:46
Michael Wilcox (62) 2:50
Cliff Anderson (63) 2:54
Chris Fall (60) 3:08
Robert Harris (49) 3:48
Judith Shaw (54) 3:56
Tom Shaw (60) 3:56
Sarah Dasher (41) 3:57
Kelly Mack (45) 4:50 - 16 miles - full route plus extra
Other routes:
Jim Herndon (62) 2:10 - short loop - 8.3 miles
Jacob LaShot (39) 2:32 - Hugh Norris - 12.6 miles
Steve Sanchez (52) 2:32 - 12.64 miles
Heather Webber (59) 4:04 - 13.93 miles
Derek Lemoine (40) did his own thing, no time/distance recorded
Linda Whelan out and back almost to saddle, no time/distance recorded
Tortolita Mountain Loop - 1/8/23 - 18 miles
Thank you to all that joined today. 26 participants. Many different distances. Fabulous weather for a change! Hope you enjoyed our Tortolita Mountains. Jim will post pictures soon.
Lisa Glick & Jim Porter
Full Route - 16.3 miles
Orlando Velazquez (46) 2:50
Tim Cronk (60) 3:08
Brian Bokowski (43) 3:12
Thomas Fresneau (39) 3:13
Michael Wilcox (62) 3:18
Derek Vo (30) 3:31
Tate Lefebvre (39) 3:33
Cliff Anderson (63) 3:46
James Cramton (53) 4:14
Heather Webber (59) 4:45
Alamo Springs & Wild Mustang Short Loop - 9.9 Miles
*Corbyn Jahn (31) 2:10
*Kendra Watson (28) 2:10
*Ryan Simonsen (25) 2:26
Jacob Lashot (39) 2:27
Ben Weiner (55) 2:42
Cristina Luis (43) 2:44
Joan D'Alonzo (63) 3:29
Fred Ahrens (66) 4:05
Chris Herald (36) 2:47 - 14.31 miles
Chris Avery 2:27 - 9.3 miles
John Rogers (71) 2:26 - 8.8 miles
Joanna Carr (36) 1:12 - 5.73 miles
Wesley Smith (43) 1:12 - 5.73 miles
Vasileios Paschalidis (43) 1:12 - 5.73 miles
Rogelio Hernandez (53) 1:12 - 5.73 miles
John Mollenhour (66) Hike
Lisa Glick (62) Hike
Jim Porter (62) Hike & Photos
*First run with TTR
Cowhead Saddle - 1/22/23 - 17.3 miles
Cowhead Saddle had 24 brave runners starting in 27 degree temps with 12 runners completing the full course with some patchy ice and a few tenacious spiky plant arms tearing at their shins- not fast conditions this morning. 7 runners chose the always fun Douglas Spring CG Half Marathon option and 5 runners simply enjoyed the sunny morning, cool air, and flowing waterfalls. No injuries to report and fizzy water, coffee, and meat + cheese bites were the winners from the food choices. We had Park Service Law Enforcement and Trailhead Volunteers and all had good things to say about TTR!
-Steven Terry
Full Route to Cowhead Saddle and Return - 17.3 miles:
Tyler Stinson (35) 3:08:00
Tim Cronk (60) 3:22:41
Chris Herald (36) 3:29:27
Brian Kelly (33) 3:31:28
Caitlin Vogelsberg (38) 3:50:22
Fernando Bustamante 4:10:27
Brian Bokowski (43) 4:18:39
*Matthew Chandler (40) 4:18:39
*Keri Chandler (40) 4:25:45
*Michael Pilz (53) 4:29:00
*Tanner Morgan (36) 4:29:00
Billy Oliver (58) 4:31:00
Steven Terry (43) 6:05:19 RD - did on Sat
Douglas Spring - 13 miles:
Cliff Anderson (63) 2:42:00
Steve Outridge (53) 2:45:00
Jacob La Shot (39) 2:55:00
*Lauren Dahlin (31) 2:50:00
Ben Roark (39) 3:17:00
*Andy Vasko (46) 3:22:00
Heather Webber (59) 4:00:15
*Peter Vieira (37) 1:45:00 - Bridal Veil Falls etc
Mike Duer (53) 2:29:00 - 8.7mi of wandering around
*Adeene Denton (28) 2:33:00 - 12mi
Marissa Olegario (32) 3:02:00 - 12.86mi
Chris LaRoche (31) 3:39:30 - Douglas Spring CG + Bridal Veil Falls
*First run with TTR
Bear Canyon Loop - 2/5/23 - 16.8 miles
It was an excellent day out at Sabino Canyon today, we had 25 runners for the classic BCL run, 21 of which did the full BCL, 2 did 10 miles and 2 doing 7 Falls and some meandering. Weather was perfect with some nice and cool water crossing to help cool down in. Thanks to all who came out today.
-Tristan Lee & Lena Makena
Full Route to Cowhead Saddle and Return - 17.3 miles:
Tyler Stinson (35) 2:45
Brian Bokowski (43) 3:02
Chris Herald (36) 3:02
Sarah Zentack (44) 3:03
Steven Terry (43) 3:19
James McNabb (34) 3:19
Eva Peters (30) 3:28
James Cramton (53) 3:30
Cliff Anderson (63) 3:34
Angela Greynolds (38) 3:38
Arianne Whittaker (43) 3:38
Vasileios Paschalidis (43) 3:38
Billy Oliver (58) 3:43
Michael Pilz (53) 3:43
Ben Weiner (55) 3:44
Cristina Luis (43) 3:45
Marissa Olegario (32) 3:47
Stephen Woodall (44) 4:04
Chase Woodall (12) 4:04
*Jayme Helgeson (43) 5:32
Fred Ahrens (66) 6:20
Seven Falls - 8.4 miles:
Mike Duer (53) 2:29
Steve Hughes (68) 3:00
Tim Cronk (60) 3:11 - 10 miles
Heather Webber (59) 3:12 - 10 miles
*First run with TTR
Soldier / La Milagrosa Loop - 2/12/23 - 15.2 miles
It was a very nice day for the Super Bowl Sunday Soldier/La Milagrosa TTR run. There were 22 participants in total with 19 completing the full route. Thanks to all who came out this year!
-Steve Hughes
Full Route to Cowhead Saddle and Return - 15.2 miles:
Derek Lemoine (40) 2:45:00
Stephen Woodall (44) 2:54:31
Chris Herald (36) 2:59:41
Karl Shaddock (35) 3:09:00
Rick Mick (39) 3:09:00
Sarah Jansen (38) 3:14:29
Brian Kelly (33) 3:16:00
Jeff Knight (56) 3:34:00
Angela Greynolds (38) 3:38:00
Billy Oliver (58) 3:51:00
*Patrick Clifford (31) 3:51:00
Tim Cronk (60) 3:51:00
Tristan Lee (43) 3:59:56
Lena Makena (44) 3:59:57
Dallas Stevens (61) 4:04:00
Tamara Hinsburg (46) 4:08:24
Marissa Olegario (32) 4:08:24
Renee Stevens (55) 4:11:00
*Margaret Stephens (26) 4:12:00
John Mollenhour (66) 6 miles out and back eastbound
Chris Avery (59) 2:00:00 8 miles out and back eastbound
Heather Webber (59) 4:00:02 12 miles out and back eastbound
*First run with TTR
Keystone Traverse - 2/26/23 - 15.2 miles
The 9th annual Keystone Traverse in the Sierrita mountains featured wind and snow this year. 7 brave souls set out in wintery weather to tackle the snow laden course. With the highly experienced group there was no need for the St. Bernard with whiskey rescue. After making it back to finish line the barely alive runners were revived by Fernando Bustamante and his amazing cook to order quesadillas along with salsa. Billy was helping out with video and photos along with good conversation during set up and take down of the aid station finish. As we were all driving off the sun started to shine as the storm moved on leaving the mountains with a white coat. Duer came down but due to a waterproofing jacket failure and injury recovery wisely decided to pass on the run. Everyone else continued on with potentially unwise and highly questionable decisions that Ultrarunners are known for. As usual I heard no complaints from the residents in the graveyard even though we were kind of loud cheering in amazement every time a runner came back alive.
-Robert Harris
Short Loop - 9.5 miles
Paul Fick (66) 2:36
Gerald Bach (74) 2:10 - Towers 8 miles
Chris Avery (59) 2:15 - Towers 8 miles
Frank Davidson (65) 1:14 - Ash Tank 6 miles
Billy Oliver (58) 0:54 - Cabin 5 miles
John Mollenhour (66) 0:54 - Cabin 5 miles
Ryan Simonsen (25) 0:21 - Sheep Corral 2 miles
Keystone Traverse - 2/26/23 - 15.2 miles
The 9th annual Keystone Traverse in the Sierrita mountains featured wind and snow this year. 7 brave souls set out in wintery weather to tackle the snow laden course. With the highly experienced group there was no need for the St. Bernard with whiskey rescue. After making it back to finish line the barely alive runners were revived by Fernando Bustamante and his amazing cook to order quesadillas along with salsa. Billy was helping out with video and photos along with good conversation during set up and take down of the aid station finish. As we were all driving off the sun started to shine as the storm moved on leaving the mountains with a white coat. Duer came down but due to a waterproofing jacket failure and injury recovery wisely decided to pass on the run. Everyone else continued on with potentially unwise and highly questionable decisions that Ultrarunners are known for. As usual I heard no complaints from the residents in the graveyard even though we were kind of loud cheering in amazement every time a runner came back alive.
-Robert Harris
Short Loop - 9.5 miles
Paul Fick (66) 2:36
Gerald Bach (74) 2:10 - Towers 8 miles
Chris Avery (59) 2:15 - Towers 8 miles
Frank Davidson (65) 1:14 - Ash Tank 6 miles
Billy Oliver (58) 0:54 - Cabin 5 miles
John Mollenhour (66) 0:54 - Cabin 5 miles
Ryan Simonsen (25) 0:21 - Sheep Corral 2 miles
Esperero Canyon Loop - 3/12/23 - 21 miles
On Sunday 28 brave souls set out to tackle all or part of the Esperero Loop. Fortunately all 28 made it back in 1 piece with only minor scrapes. The weather was good but we could have without all the water crossings. Below are the results. Please let me know if there are any corrections.
-Gary Parcher & Pam Hoyt
Full Loop - 21 miles
Vasileios Paschalidis (43) 4:17
Stephen Woodall (44) 4:38
Ben Markwart (42) 4:54
Rick Mick (39) 5:13
Julie Henk (28) 5:25
Tim Cronk (60) 5:25
John Mollenhour (66) 5:47
Cliff Anderson (61) 5:53
Bruce Gungle (64) 6:10
Tristen Lee (43) 6:16
Lena Makena (44) 6:17
Andrew Vasko (47) 6:37
*Mike Anderson 6:37
Gerald Bach (73) 7:17
Bridal Falls
Mike Duer (53) 3:12 - Bridal Falls & Pigerero
Brian Bokowski (43) 3:30
Matthew Chandler (40) 3:30
*Morgan Drew (28) 3:36
*Shane Doyle (29) 3:36
Angela Greynolds (39) 3:51
Ben Weiner (55) 3:59
Melissa Donovan (50) 5:57
Fred Ahrens (66) 5:57
Heather Webber (59) 4:46 - 10 miles
Peter Vieira (37) 2:21 - 7.3 miles out and back
Lauren Dahlin (32) 2:21 - 7.3 miles out and back
Claire Hans (36) 1:45.22 - 7 miles out and back
Chris Avery (59) ? - Phoneline
*First run with TTR
Mica Mountain Marathon - 3/19/23 - 26 miles
Mica Marathon is a wrap until next year!! Well done to everyone who came out on such a beautiful day!! Here below are the results. Please reach out to me if your record is not as it should be.
Congrats to Tim Cronk for the New age course record!!
-Lena Goodon
Full round trip to top - 26.8 miles
Tim Cronk (60) 5:55
Brian Bokowski (43) 6:31
Michael Pilz (53) 6:53
Tristan Lee (43) 7:03
Eva Peters (30) 7:13
Joseph Tovar (40) 7:17
Steve Roark (55) 7:20
Bruce Gungle (64) 7:34
Cliff Anderson (63) 7:59
Melissa Donovan 13:35
Fred Ahrens (66) 13:35
Cowhead Saddle - 18 miles
Tamara Hinsberg (47) 3:39
John Mollenhour (66) 4:05
Ryan Simonsen (25) 4:27
James Cramton (54) 4:37
Pam Hoyt (66) 5:21
Douglas Spring - 13.3 miles
Chris Herald (36) 2:13
John Rogers (72) 3:39
Jaffe Greenwald (31) 5:27
Heather Webber (59) 4:37
Shane Doyle (29) 3:22 - 16 miles
Morgan Drew (28) 3:22 - 16 miles
Chris LaRoche (32) 3:37 - 15.88 miles
Michael Duer (53) 3:21 - 15.5 miles
Kristin Trapp (50) 4:21 - 12.03 miles
Susan Alexander (56) 2:51 - 10.1 miles
Finger Rock/Kimball/Pima Trail - 4/2/23 - 11.4 miles
Here are the results of this morning's Finger Rock/Kimball/Pima Trail 11.4 (hard) miles run. Let me know if there any errors. Brianna Grigsby and I want to thank you for attending on short notice!
-John Mollenhour
Full Route - 11.4 miles
Vasileious Paschalidis (43) 2:53:54
Chris Herald (35) 2:57:24
Michael Duer (53) 3:17:48
Joe Tovar (40) 3:26:40
Caroline Mosley (33) 3:48:42
Caitlin Vogelsberg (38) 3:48:44
Cliff Anderson (63) 3:48:45
Steve Sanchez (52) 4:42:00 - plus a little extra
Jamie Madden (34) 4:58:54
Maggie Stephens (26) 4:58:54
Tamara Hinsburg (47) 4:58:44
David Houston (40) 3:07:18 - full minus Kimball
Jacob Lashot (39) 1:54 - 7 miles on Pima
Tyler Stinson 6 miles on Pima
John Mollenhour 6 miles on Pima
Brianna Grigsby Soaked in clear water pool
Green Bug - 4/2/23 - 18.8 miles
We had 25 folks come out to enjoy the spring weather and warming temperatures this weekend on the lower mountain. Seven people braved the full route and many opted for the lovely Bug Springs out-and-back (9-11 miles). A hearty welcome to our ~3 newcomers!
Thanks to everyone who came out! Tyler and I had a great time as our first time co-RDing (shout-out to Tyler for grilling up fresh quesadillas).
-Caroline Mosley & Tyler Stinson
San Pedro - Full Route - 18.8 miles
Stephen Woodall (44) 4:16
Michael Duer (53) 4:32
Jeff Ladderud (32) 4:38
Sarah Jansen (38) 4:56
Tim Cronk (60) 5:03
Angela Greynolds (39) 5:17
*Eli Nielson (42) 5:18
Bug Springs Round Trip - 10.02 miles
Brianna Grigsby (35) 1:51 (10 miles)
Caitlin Vogelsberg (38) 2:05 (Bug Springs out-and-back, 9.5 miles)
*Bill Doctorman (38) 2:05 (Bug Springs out-and-back, 9.5 miles)
Lucas Tyler (42) 2:07 (10 miles)
*Robert Prosser (27) 2:07 (Bug Springs out-and-back, 9.5 miles)
John Mollenhour (67) 2:16 (Bug Springs out-and-back, 9.5 miles)
Steve Sanchez (52) 2:36 (10 miles)
*Luke Stone (38) 2:58 (10 miles)
Fred Ahrens (66) 3:49 (10 miles)
Renee R. Stevens (55) 10 miles?
Other Distances
Jeff Knight (56) 3:22 (13.25 miles)
Gerald Bach (74) 3:44 (12 miles)
Heather Webber (59) 4:38 (12 miles)
Brian Kelly (33) 2:23 (11.2 miles)
Kaitlin Kratter (39) 2:55 (11.2 miles)
Jacob LaShot (39) 2:04 (8 miles)
Claire Hans (36) 0:53:12 (4.4 miles)
Dallas Stevens (61) Out-and back
*First run with TTR
Sunset-Sidedoor Festival of Routes - 5/7/23
On Sunday, 15 runners seeking elevation and cooler temps made the drive up to Mt. Lemmon for a veritable festival of routes! It was a choose your own adventure kind of day, with many trying various routes or exploring new to them trails. We even had a few brand new members- Welcome!
Thanks to all that came and practiced their log hurdling skills or tested out their lungs. Until next time!
-Caitlin Vogelsberg
Catlow Shipek (44) 16.6 miles - 3:12
Tristan Lee (43) 16.2 miles - 4:31
Stephen Woodall (44) 16.1 miles - 3:45
Angela Greynolds (39) 16.1 miles - 3:47
Thomas Fresneau (39) 16.1 miles - 3:55
Chris Herald (36) 15.3 miles - 3:52
Caroline Mosley (33) 12.8 miles - 3:08
Lisa Zieman (28) 12.8 miles - 3:08
Ryan Simonsen (25) 11.7 miles - 3:47
*Mike Keller (30) 10.5 miles - 2:30
Kendra Watson (28) 10.5 miles - 2:30
Renee Stevens (55) 10.4 miles - 4:09
Dallas Stevens (61) 10.4 miles - 4:09
Caitlin Vogelsberg (38) 8.0 miles - 1:45
John Mollenhour (67) 6.8 miles - 1:34
Lena Makena (44) 5.2 miles - 1:40
*First run with TTR
Catalina Peaks - 5/14/23
This past Sunday, 13 intrepid souls gathered on the mountain for a trek up to Ski Valley. It was cold and windy at the start with sunny miles for the rest of it. Everyone finished the run just before the rain clouds moved in (what!?!) and dumped much needed rain on the mountain and the city. Thank you all for coming out to this event; it was a perfect day on the mountain!
BIG thanks to Gary Parcher, Cliff Anderson, and John Mollenhour for helping out with the two aid stations at San Pedro and Sunset Trailhead, as well as driving runners back to their cars at GH. You all made the day so much better, not only with your help but your company as well. I really appreciate it all. Thank you again!
Full Catalina Peaks - 19.7 miles
Mark DiFalco (24) 4:10:19
Michael Duer (53) 5:14
Vasileios Paschalidis (43) 5:20 - 21.2 miles
Michael Pilz (54) 6:19:09
Tim Cronk (61) 6:24:46
Chris Herald (36) 6:27:19 - 21.75 miles
Renee Stevens (55) 6:45
Ryan Simonsen (25) 7:03:45
San Pedro Vista - 9.8 miles:
Angela Greynolds (39) 2:59
Pam Hoyt (66) 4:05
Brian Kelly (33) 3:00 - 13.7 miles
Dallas Stevens (61) 5:59:59 - 14 miles
William Mitchell (32) Unk distance Unk time
Multiple Wrightson Massacre - 5/21/23
It was a great day on the Mountain! We had a total of 39 participants!
Here are the results! Remember the goal of Multiple Wrightson Massacre is HOW MANY times you go up and down. No extra credit for going down Super or other trails. Those routes have their rewards for sure but don’t count for “extra” ascents.
-Susan Alexander
3 Ascents:
Matt Halverson 8:25:38
Tristan Lee (43) 10:50
Brian Bokowski 11:37 (His first ultra!)
2 Ascents - 20.8 miles:
Tim Cronk (61) 5:34:30 WOWZERS! An age record I think!
Billy Oliver (58) 7:06:59
Renee Stevens (55) 7:19 Wow!! I believe this is an age record!
Wes Smythe 7:21:24
Fernando Bustamante 7:46
Eva Peters 8:04
1 Ascent - 10.4 miles:
Chris Herald (36) 2:53
Vasileios Paschalidis (43) 3:10
Tyler Stinson 3:15
Caitlin Vogelsberg 3:18
Bill Doctorman 3:18
Sarah Zentack (44) 3:22
Tyler Foutch 3:30
Caroline Mosley (33) 3:43
John Rogers (72) 3:50
Kendra Watson 3:50
Ryan Simonsen 3:52
Anonymous 3:56
Joe Tovar 4:00
Lena Makena (44) 4:13:11
Brian Kennedy 4:25
Cat Crawford 4:25
Pam Hoyt (66) 4:39
Jeremy Pager 4:58
Brian Kelly (33) 5:05 - 1.5 ascents, 21.71 miles
Chris LaRoche 5:20
Cliff Anderson (64) 5:20
Mike Duer (53) 5:30
Jess Adams 6:00
*Brett DuBois 6:00
*Karri Gonzales 6:00
It wouldn’t count towards any official records that I know of but I give a ½ credit if you go up to Josephine. I just want to encourage people to head up!!
Half trip (to the J saddle)
Jacob LaShot 2:15
Paul Fick (66) 2:50
*Ina Fick 2:50
If we had an overall winner for MWM 2023 it would have to be this guy. Age 6. New division - Kids Ascents. We counted however many times he turned around and went back up.
Baxter Zentack 4 Ascents! (of various lengths below Josephine
Scott Zentak (Baxter’s pacer)
My favorite quote of the day: “I was running faster than my legs would go!”
*First run with TTR