MT WRIGHTSON ASCENT - 9/8/13 - 5.2 mi
Hi TTR's,
Sunday was a great day for a run up the mountain. Clouds all over the place and only a few downpours as reported by runners. Runners ran up the Old Baldy trail and descended either that trail or Super Trail. Apparently, runners all had a good time, as they all seemed to be smiling as they came off of the hill. Run Management did not run this year due to an injury, and actually brought a book to read while everybody else had fun.
Wrightson Ascent Run Management has been known to raise the post-run culinary bar, being the first to introduce dill pickle spears at the end of a run and many years ago, bringing Spicy Hot V-8 into the purview of ultrarunners around the west. This year was no exception as Peperoncinis (Imported, no less!) were featured. Unfortunately, the jar remained unopened as nobody saw it under the ice.
There were 23 starters, and to Run Management's delight, 23 finishers.
Thanks for coming out to the first run of the 2013-2014 TTR season.
Catlow Shipek 1:09:25
Nate Polaske 1:11:24
Sion Lupowitz 1:14:30
Tim Stackhouse 1:27:41
David Sowers 1:29
Chase Duarte 1:32
Tim Spriggs 1:32
Ben Markwart 1:35
Susann Paige 1:41
Raoul Erickson 1:43
Bruce Gungle 1:45
Bob Bachani 1:48
Kathryn Nealey 1:50
Andy Forkes 1:53
Jay Liggett 1:58
Steve Hughes 1:59
Rick Kelley 2:04:25
Scout Phillips 2:11
Jamie Madden 2:19
Tonja Chagaris (Pathetic-her words)
Amy Hamman ??
Trish Duarte 0:51
Ron Lumm 0:53
SABINO BASIN - 9/15/13 - 13.2 mi
Desert Trail People,
It was a beautiful, warm day for another running of the Sabino Basin out-and-back on September 15th. 35 showed up, most of whom were able to follow directions and complete the entire course without incident. Others, we'll call them the rebels, felt the need to do some type of variation. If your name appears in the wrong category, or with the wrong route description, please contact us within the next few days before we send out a final version. The Hoka-powered Gene Joseph is not listed below, but made a go of the tram road, his furthest run in quite some time. In all sincerity, it was great to see you all out there and we enjoyed talking to you when you came in.
Mike and Kristi
People Who Follow the Rules:
GREEN BUG - 9/26/13 - 18.8 mi
As predicted the parking challenges raised their ugly head early on and created a situation where we had a group of "Bandits" on the course causing mayhem for the hard working aid personnel... After a short powwow with Tonja and Peter at the Hitchcock aid stop we came up with a plan and sent our "bicycle messenger" Peter to Ken with a work around... Ultimately we adapted and overcame and were able to account for and track all parties on, and safely off, the mountain, "Bandits" included... So we will call that a success...
The weather started out cool but warmed up quick and turned out to be a great day on the mountain.. No injuries despite some dirt diving taking place.. The "newbies" represented themselves respectably and completed the distances that they set out to do... NIce job...
If I have your data wrong or you have been omitted please forward me the correction/ addition and I will make the needed changes...
Catlow Shipek 3:24 Full
Sion Lupowitz 3:33 Full
Dennis Pollow 3:45 Full
Tim Stackhouse 3:58 Full
Steve Bagg 4:12 Full
Ben Markwart 4:35 Full
Bob Bachani 4:52 Full
Joel O'Bryan 5:21 Full
Yvonne Overson 5:48 Full
Holly Justice 5:48 Full
Jay Liggett 5:48 Full
Rick Kelly 7:35 Full
Ryan Niccum 4:28 17
Paul Vollmer 4:42 17
Chase Duarte 2:35 12
Joe Plasman 3:15 10.5
Cameron Green 1:38 9.8
Tim Spriggs 1:44 9.8
Tricia Aldridge 2:30 9.8
Jim Edwards 2:30 9.8
Pam Golden 2:53 9.8
Ross Zimmerman 4:12 9.6
Trish Duarte 2:00 6
Debbie Hedgepeth 2:00 6
Jamie Madden 1:29 4.5
Tonja Chargris ? ?
Lesson learned for other RD's; if you have an aid stop that not all parties will hit send a list of names of who plans to hit it and not just a head count of how many.. If I would have given Ken a list of names of those planning on hitting his turn around aid stop the "bandits" would not have been an issue.. As it was I just had a head count so when the "Bandit issue" popped up it created the possibility of Ken hitting his "number" before all runners actually got there...
Hi TTRs,
At long last, the results from last weekend! We had a great day with 21 starters, 21 finishers and plenty of good company. Our aid (Michelle) was amazing and managed to capture all of the splits coming into her aid station while hydrating everyone. Ross showed up a bit late, driving in from Phoenix and took a bunch of pictures of his travels along the top of the mountain (see end of email) and everyone seemed to be in good spirits at the end. Since this was my first time as an RD, I would like to say, "Thanks to everyone for not getting lost!" :)
Ok, on to the results:
Full 24 miles:
gate up gate down finish
Sion Lupowitz 1:19 2:33 3:25
Ken Greco 1:33 3:00 4:08
Steve Bagg 1:36 3:19 4:20
Mike Duer 1:36 3:10 4:25
Adam McKelvy 1:37 3:19 4:26
Kathryn Nealey 1:44 3:23 4:27
Renee Stevens 1:52 3:37 4:45
Dallas Stevens 1:36 3:01 4:45
Rick Kelly 1:36 3:37 5:49
Matt 1:47 3:45 5:18
Holly 1:57 4:01 5:18
Yvonne 1:57 4:01 5:18
20 miles:
Pat Muldowney 1:38 2:52 4:19
Shannon Flemming 1:41 2:52 4:19
16 miles:
Jay Ligget 1:43 2:58
Ed Osterhoudt 1:47 3:00
Amy Hammon (time omitted on signout)
Gene Joseph 2:12 4:34 -- finished at gate
Other variations:
The RD checked the course the day before (Saturday) and added mileage to get a marathon in for 2013. Knowing the technical zealots in the group and the fact that a GPS accumulates error, he ran until the garmin read 27.29 miles and called it good enough at 4:49. Definitely not a marathon PR but then that was never the goal.
10 miles of cartographic and photographic explorations:
Ross Zimmerman 3:37
Full 24 miles on bike:
Susan Paige 2:04 up 2:40 total
Stephen Paige 2:04 up 2:40 total
Ross captured some great photos (as usual) of the top of the mountain:
Again, thanks all for a great time!
DRAGoON MOUNTAINS DRAGON RUN - 10/13/13 - 17.2 mi Cochise, AZ
Dragoon Mountains Dragon Run (3rd Annual)
Near Sunsites, AZ (83 miles southeast of Tucson)
Sun. Oct. 13, 2013
Main Loop (17 mi.)
1. Dennis Pollow, 2:26:56 ***continued for 6.1 more miles for impressive 3:07:01 = 23.1 miles!!!
2. Ben Martwart, 3:24:04
3. Tim Spriggs, 3:24:05
4. Mark Dorion (age 79) 3:06:11 = Old man's 15.3 mile option
(4 starters)
Various factors, including but not limited to the Government Shutdown and campground closure, conspired to keep the number of runners WAY down from last year. We also had to go with a modified course which actually ended up being popular with runners and MUCH, much easier for the orgnanizers. Basically we did the reverse of past years, running out scenic,, twisting, mostly shaded dirt road the first 6+ miles, then hitting the Cochise Stronghold trail up and over the divide and turning around at the parking circle near the westside trailhead.
A fair amount of wildlife was seen both on the old dirt roads and on the rocky trail, including a pack of javelinas, a deer, an intact snake skin, and an actual breathing snake stretched across a flat sunny rock.
Over the past 42+ years I have been fortunate to run and race with some of the greatest runners in the world (Suleiman Nyambui, Olympic 5000 silver medalist and 2:09:50 marathon at age 39, was a roommate of mine in El Paso, as was Olympic 4 x 400 silver medalist and 400 meter world champ Bert Cameron) as well as with true local legends of southwest trail and ultra running (Wally Shiel, Ken Young, Linda Byrd, Ann Trason, Jen Aviles and many others). I vividly recall trying to hang with Sheldon Larsen during the early fast 7:00 miles of various Tucson and New Mexico/ CO trail runs (Sheldon still has many of the fastest times on AZ/ NM trail courses).
I know talent and speed when I see it. DENNIS POLLOW was FLYING Sunday, certainly cruising 6:30 miles at slowest on the up and down dirt roads early on, and not slowing much on the trail. Tim, Ben and I reached the 5Km (3.1 mile) point at 27:50, and Dennis was already 7+ minutes ahead of us and not even perspiring. As RD of two big trail races in southern New Mexico, I am happy to waive Dennis's entry fee to either our Rountop Overlook X-country event (50+Km and shorter races) on Nov. 16, or our S.U.V. races (where world champ Jon Olsen, top Mexican athletes and a fast Ukrainian runner plan to battle) on Feb. 1 Our trails are scenic, runnable, cloeaked with aggressive cactae including the world's biggest barrel cactus, and also mountain bikeable (the local mountain bike patrol cruises the course back and forth keeping an eye on everything). For more info. please see: markdorion.wordpress.com EXTRA cool-max race t-shirt to any Tucson runners who come over!
One final note about the government shutdown: we met several Rangers out checking the campground and emptying trash. They were happy we were enjoying the trails, and they also seemed at least as upset as any of us with the government's closures and "child-like" behavior.
Best wishes to all Tucson area trail runners as well as all trail runners around the world,
Mark, Helen, Amalia, Toby Dorion
BEAR CANYON LOOP - 10/20/12 - 16.8 mi
It was a smaller group this year for this running of Bear Canyon, due somewhat to a local 1/2 marathon the same day and some smart folks running JJ100 the following weekend taking it easy. The government shutdown ended just in time for us to use the Sabino Canyon parking lot for this scheduled run. Lots of people driving around looking for spots all morning!
We had 16 official runners total, although I got visits from many people in the group doing other shorter runs (JJ100 entrants) or starting at different times, which was great! It was my birthday, so we had some cake and ice cream, in addition to the usual snacks. The pickles are always a favorite. I bring tongs - no dirty runner hands in the pickles!
A few people got off track, but nothing major.The loop was quite overgrown on the backside, and many came back with the task of pulling stickers out of their socks.
I got to meet a lot of new faces, which was fun. It was also very good to see Gene back at it for his #493rd BCL (right?)
BCL, Road return
BCL, Phoneline return
Ryan Niccum
Ben Markwart
14 mile out and back:
Rachel Reitz
Duane Smith
Always great to be of service,
Renee Stevens
CHAROULEAU GAP - 10/27/13 - 18.9 mi (+/-)
Congrats to all who completed Javalina Jundred this past weekend!
A total of six runners showed up for last Sunday's run at Charoleau Gap. We were greeted with near perfect weather and a seemingly large number of hunters (based on the number shots fired I heard throughout the day). The trail was in good shape and offered a steady climb to the second cattle guard; where most turned around for the fast run back to the start.
Listed are the run results:
Second Cattle Guard option: 13.4 Miles
Jordan Kremer-1:45:00
Ryan McGuigan-2:08:00
Chrissy Parks-2:24:00
River option: 21 miles
Ben Markwart: 4:34:00
Rick Kelly: 6:25:00
Other options:
15 miles:
Tim Stackhouse; 2:52
Thanks to those who came out and for letting me act as RD on a run!
See you all on the trails soon,
AGUA CALIENTE (A/D) LOOP - 11/3/13 - 15 mi
Hey All,
We had another great turnout for this run. The weather was overcast & cool.
As it turns out we had a course record & a 2nd best time by a female.
Full Loop including the hill
Gabe McGowen: 2:31 ***course record by 4 minutes**** great job Gabe !
Tim Stackhouse 2:43
David Sowers 2:45
Chase Duare 2:51
Joel Stamp 3:06
Ryan McGulgan 3:11
Chrissy Parks 3:12 ***2nd fastest women time EVAH*** awesome Chrissy !!
Kat Woodard 3:31
Raoul Erickson 3:39
Mike Walker 3:41
Kathryn Nealey 3:46
Danela Lawrence 4:09
Rick Kelley 4:56
Kandi Karuza 4:58
Loop with no hill
Joe Plassman 2:38
Pam Golden 2:38
Bruce Johnson 2:38
Regan Butler 3:53
Kendra Johnson 3:53
Ken Greco 1:37 (8 miles)
Ross Zimmerman ? (?) cant remember what he said he did
Gary Parcher (same as Ross)
Randy Sooter (extremely fast until he injured himself) DNF
Christine Anderson (ran to top of hill & back down to meet someone for a hike)
MT LEMMON ASCENT - 11/17/13 - 18.6 mi
Thank you for coming.
Hope you enjoy the run
Here are results:
Gabe McGowan 3:20
Charlie Ware 4:17
Tim Stackhouse 4.36
Benedict Dugger 4:40
Ben Markwart 4:41
Mike Duer 4:45
Dallas Stevens 4:59
Kate Woodard 5:06
Rachel Reitz 5:34
Joel O'Bryan 5:37
Christine Anderson 5:54
Mike Walker 5:56
Andy Gillespie 5:57
Karen Lane 5:57
Pam Golden 6:22
Rick Kelley 6:43
Lunch at Romero Pass, helping opening some beer (not real Keto thing), probably a lot of pictures...
Ross Zimmerman 9:21,
Steve Kanoza 9:21
Romaro Pass and back 26mil.
Kandi Karuza 8: 35
If I misspell or have wrong number please let me know.
BELLOTA 50K - 11/24/13
Reflecting back on last year, the Redington 50K was the first run I did with the TTR group. Because it was an advanced run, I needed to pass their background check before they decided I could participate in the full 50K. With the weather hot and dry I remember wanting to prove that I was capable of finishing. After hours on my feet I was one of the finishers that day and decided that the TTR group was an extended family. Fast forward to this year, after talking to Ross about a new route, we decided to host the Redington 50K from our home, but rename it to the Bellota 50K. On Sunday, November 24th we hosted the inaugural Bellota 50K. With 12 runners present on a cold, cloudy, rainy day we celebrated life by running in the beautiful desert of Northeast Tucson. At 7:10 am the TTR group departed and headed up the route. The first runner back was Joe Plassmann who was welcomed by our loud fire alarm going off because I forgot to open the flume to our fireplace. After ripping out some wires I managed to silence the alarm and hang out with Joe for a while. I learned that he is an avid skier and has climbed Rainier and has a passion for sea kayaking in Alaska. I was fascinated with his life adventures and wanted to hear more, but life was calling his name and he had to get back to his family. The next runner in was Christine Parks, who had run out to the aid station and hitched a ride home. I found out she was a triathlete and had some injuries to an artery in her leg that she was having surgery on this next week (what a trooper!). Then Chris Anderson, a former professional runner, came in after getting lost on the trail. I learned that she has run a sub 2:30 marathon….WOW! When I was raking the back yard I saw Clint come in and was happy to see him out of his hiking shoes and in some running shoes. A little later Art came in and was excited to have run 15 miles. Art is currently training for the Old Pueblo 50. A little time passed and I put my daughters to work cutting branches and throwing them on the fire. We were excited to see my better half, Alacia come in at 12:35 after completing 20+ miles. Alacia is currently training for Orcas Island 50K and OP 50. Ken came in a little after Alacia, with a great story. Apparently he has the tendency to get lost and that’s what happened. Ken was out front and managed to almost run to the top of Aqua Caliente twice before he found the right track. Ken managed to do almost 20 miles today. I also learned that Ken has a lot of experience as a trail runner with finishes in Wasatch, Leadville and Angeles Crest (amazing!). Then Ross came sprinting in. Ross managed to run from the aid station to the finish around 4 hours. Ross is an amazing runner, with a ton of experience. It amazed me to hear that he has a marathon PR of 2:36(?) and has finished two 100 milers as well as pacing a Tarahumara at Leadville. What a true inspiration! As I sat around the porch with Ross, Alacia and Clint listening to the them reflect on the run, I was beginning to appreciate running and the sentimental values it has for each of us. In different ways it has shaped us into what we are today. Listening to others experiences makes me appreciate the ability we all have to run great distances and to see part of the wilderness others might not be able to. At 2:03 the first 50K finished came in. Kathryn, ran in smiling looking full of life. With her husband, Clint, at the finish to greet her we all celebrated with her great achievement. As we drank and talked about her day, the second runner Adam came in. Adam had an awesome day, and managed to run a little under 30 miles. Adam is new to trail running. We sat around and talked about running, races and, yes, diets! It was a great way to learn about fellow trail runners. Although the day was almost over the run was not. Kandi and Rick were determined to finish, and they did. Talking earlier that day with some of the experienced TTR’s I found out that they were tough as nails and would get to our home sooner or later. At 5:21 Rick and Kandi arrived at the finish, looking full of energy! We congratulated them and were eager to hear about their run. Talking with them we found out the Kandi just finished the JJH 100K and Rick has over ten 100 miler finishes including 2 at Western States.
I am thankful for the support we received today at the inaugural run. As runners and racers sometimes we base our efforts on aid stations splits. Today I have a feeling that many of the runners are thankful for the aid Pete Chargaris gave. Pete drove up Redington to support the TTR’s today and without him I have a feeling a couple would have bonked! Thanks Pete!
I am more satisfied supporting today than I have been finishing an ultra in a while. I enjoyed being outdoors, greeting runners, supporting them and learning about them. I truly believe that it will ultimately make me a better runner, a runner who is not quick to judge, but a runner who listens and learns from its peers. What a great day it was to run! Way to go TTR’s.
Kathryn Nealey- 5:57 FULL
Rick Kelly-10:19-FULL
Kandi Karuza-10:19-FULL
29 miles
Adam McKelvy- 7:04
20.75 miles
Alacia Sooter- 5:25
19.25 Miles
Ken Greco- 4:38
15 miles
Art Cantrell- 3:40
14 miles
Chris Parks- 3:15 (to aid station)
~10 miles (got lost)
Chris Anderson- 2:58
7.5 miles
5.5 miles (to the tequila tree)
Joe Plassman-1:35
COWHEAD SADDLE - 12/1/13 - 17.3 mi
Another amazing turnout for this run. Weather could not have been better with overcast skies and mild temps the whole day. Some may have thought the temps got warm in the late morning but the RD was not uncomfortable in his sweat pants. No major injuries to report although Joel found a way to stumble on both feet during the same step and bash a quad, no harm done. Just another miserable day in the December desert!! Great job by all..
Chris Fall
Cowhead Saddle
Sion Lupowitz – 2:54 (A big PR by Sion)
Randy Accetta – 3:01 (First TTR run since 1996)
Catlow Shipek – 3:02 (Ran ~18.6)
TimStackhouse – 3:14
Anne Neuenschulander – 3:18
Joel Stamp – 3:18
Mike Duer – 3:21
Ken Greco – 3:44
Kate Woodard – 3:45
Tonja Chagaris and friend – 3:51
Joel O’Bryan – 3:54
Bob Bachani – 3:52
Andy Farkas – 3:55
Kathryn Nealey – 4:05
Rachel Reitz – 4:20
Duane Smith – 4:20 (Longest run ever on trail, NICE)
Christy Hall – 4:30
Art Cantrell – 4:30
Pat Muldowney – 4:30
Shannon Fleming – 4:40
Gene Jospeh – 4:58
Steve Hughes – 5:00
Molly Brown – 5:00
Ross Zimmerman – 5:08 (Turned around for a total of 14.75 miles)
Andy Gillespie – 5:10
Karen Lane – 5:10
Robert Harris – 5:12
Myk Brown – 5:22
Steve Kanoza – 6:00
Gary Parcher – 6:00
Douglas Springs
Chris Anderson – 2:38
John McClean – 2:40
Trish Aldridge – 2:49
Pam Golden – 3:25 (Actually she ran 15 miles after retrieving dropped sunglasses)
Other Distances
Valentine Ferraris – 4.0 miles - 1:08
Jim Edwards – 4.0 miles
Tom Gormley 5.0 miles – 1:04
Chris Fall 5.0 miles – 1:04
LOMA ALTA - 12/8/13
This year's Loma Alta run was a great success especially since the weather did not turn inclement as predicted earlier in the week. The last two years this run had produced a total of 3 Manning Camp finishers. This year we had 9 with Catlow cleaning up in a stellar time of 5:03 after running an interval loop on top of the mountain.
We had 31 participants running a variety of distances. Listed below are the main options and other routes taken. I listed the time and distance everyone clocked on their watches. Please e-mail corrections to me if any are needed.
A couple of notes of interest; Gabe ran the most miles - 33.6 and showed up at the finish with some battle-worthy scars on his chin, knee, and hands. He claimed that he took a fall near the Quilter Trail return intersection. He was in the lead at the time and going so fast that his momentum from the fall caused him to miss the turn and slide the entire 2 miles downhill to the Madrona Ranger Station whereupon he had to turn around and come back, accounting for the extra 4 miles. He definitely wins the Stud Award. Everyone who went to the top reported 4-6 inches of soft virgin snow and a temperature of 30 degrees. Rick and Kandi got the most for their money in time by spending over 10 hours playing on the mountain.
I must say it was really great to see so many runners attempt to run near or past the marathon distance especially on a mountainous trail. Afterwards we all enjoyed good discussion, carb and sugar laden snacks, and a few libations. I hope to see more of you next year.
Manning Ascent and return 28.8 miles:
Catlow Shipek - 5:03 / 30.75
Doug Loveday - 5:52 / 28.95
Gabe McGowan - 6:06 / 33.6
Zach Cox - 6:08 / 28.8
Ben Markwart - 6:27 / 29.4
Ken Greco - 7:14 / 30.18
Rauol Erickson - 8:50 / 28.8
Rick Kelley - 10:21 / 29
Kandi Karuza - 10:21 / 29
Cowhead Saddle and return 22 miles:
Mike Duer - 3:58 / 22
Tim Stackhouse - 4:01 / 22
Cameron Green - 3:45 / 21.5 (inadvertently turned around 1/4 mile below the saddle)
Bob Bachani - 5:19 / 22
Pam Hoyt - 5:53 / 22
Gary Parcher - 7:33 / 22
Grass Shack and return 20 miles:
Tonja and Company - 4:41 / 20
Christy Hall - 4:43 / 20
Madrona Pools and return:
Guy McArthur - 3:24 / 16.3
Morey Brown - 3:32 / 17
Michelle Whetherhult - 4:14 / 15.5 (+9.5 extra road miles after the trail)
Brad Smith - 4:14 / 15.5 (+9.5 extra road miles after the trail)
Steve Kanoza - 5:52 / 15.5
Ross Zimmerman - 5:52 / 15.5
Manning Trail intersection and return 14 miles:
David Sowers - 2:16 / 14
Christine Anderson - 2:30 / 14
Molly Brown - 3:00 / 14.21
Myk Brown - 3:15 / 14
Valentine Ferraris - 2:25 / 8.88
Joe Plassman - 5 miles (recovering from a chest cold)
Chase Duarte - 10 miles
Nobody died last Sunday on Mt. Kimball, which was, quite honestly, a huge relief to me. Catlow came in first at 3:10, and reported that the decent down Pima Canyon was very icy, and included a narrow, ice covered section along a cliff face. So I spent the next five hours imagining runners slipping to their death...but nobody did. As the runners came in, everybody had something to say about this section, but everybody found a way across.
As time went on, people's opinion of this route became more positive. The fast people weren't too impressed with it, reporting that it was impossible to ever get a rhythm going and spent more time than they prefer walking. Those who finished after about the four hour mark were much more pleased though.
Only three people (all together) got off trail for any significant about of time, after taking the side track up to Pima Saddle a few times. After some discussion about orienteering their way down the back side of the saddle, they wisely decided against it and eventually found the right trail
Times are listed below. The times for the top of Mt. Kimball are approximate. If I'm missing your time or got it wrong, let me know and I'll correct it. Thanks.
Full Route: Finger Rock --> Pima Canyon, ~12 miles, +4000' climbing
Runner Top Total
Catlow 1:26 3:10
Sion 1:28 (+~1/2mi) 3:34
Ryan - 3:40
Mike 1:42 3:45
Scott 1:42 3:54
Susann 1:50 4:21
Myk 1:52 4:58
Kamran 2:30 6:01
Alacia 2:37 6:07
Art 2:37 6:07
Rick - 8:06
Kandy - 8:06
Other Route: Out and Back on Finger, various distance
Runner Distance Time
Dan 5.2 2:06
Ross 6.25 -
Pam 7.25 -
WASSON PEAK - 1/5/14
Another year and another fine start to the 2014 TTR run series.
With all the fine weather and anxious athletes, turnout was a record 35+ participants.
Leading the pack was Sion at a blazing 2:10 followed shortly by Mike , Chase and Kelly.
None looked any worse for wear even after negotiating the dreaded Hugh Norris steps.
Interspersed with the leaders were the Norris loop runners, lured by rumors of homemade cookies at the finish.
The remainingg group trickled in steadily with Rick closing the pack with a very respectable 3:54.
There were no war stories of bloody falls or wrong turns. It seemed a near perfect day for all.
As always it was my privilege to see a lot of familiar and new faces.
See you all on the trails!
jerry RD
* Good Luck to Gene Joseph this weekend at the Avalon 50 miler ( his 27th !)
* This weekend are the BEYOND events. Try to attend in support and enjoy another great day outside.
Full Loop (14.4 miles)
Sion Lupowitz 2:10
Mike Duer 2:20
Chase Duarte 2:24
Kelly Wild 2:26
Steve Outridge 2:36
Scott Davidson 2:36
Chris Anderson 2:44
Ken Greco 2:44
Harry Fagg 2:46
Adrian Korosec 2:50
Joel Hunt 2:50
Bruce Gungle 2:55
Jay Liggett 3:00
Joe Plassmen 3:00
Becky Priebe 3:03
Luis Leon 3:03
Diane Harper 3:04
Steve Hughes 3:05
Myk Brown 3:15
Michelle Hawk 3:18
Alyssa Hoyt 3:18
Renee Stevens 3:21
Christy Hall 3:25
Dave Hall 3:25
Pam Golden 3:27
Robert Harris 3:27
Kristina Rask 3:27
Craig Dabler 3:35
Martha Castillon 3:36
Pam Hoyt 3:43
J.P. Fajardo 3:43
Rick Kelley 3:54
Short Loop( 7.5 miles)
Steve Kanoza 2:10
Val Ferraris 2:15
Ross Zimmerman 2:15
Gary Parcher 2:15
We had a wonderful morning in the Torolitas on Sunday. While there was a cool breeze at the start, it was much milder than last year - more than 20 degrees warmer. We had 14 runners, most doing the full route of a bit under 15 miles with a few opting for the 9 mile route. Kathryn and Ken finished in a full out sprint that was fun to watch. A group of 3 runners new to these trails returned to the start after just a couple of miles, having started out down the wash instead of up the wash. They wondered why they were headed away from the mountains instead of toward them, then got to Dove Mountain Road and knew they need to turn around. They returned to the start to try again -- and all finished without any further side ventures. David Valenzuela also added some bonus miles -- lots of miles, actually -- by heading NE instead of SW up Wild Burro Trail when he was almost at the end. He eventually came to a windmill and tank with a beautiful view of snow covered mountains behind it and decided he had gone the wrong way. He turned around and made it back fine. Now I have some new pointers to add to the directions next year.
Bruce Johnson
Full route (14.5-14.8 miles on different gps)
Benedict Dugger -- 43 -- 2:48 (not counting the extra couple of miles at the start)
Kathryn Nealey -- 25 -- 3:17
Ken Greco -- 46 -- 3:17
Joe Plassmann -- 48 -- 3:21
Chris Avery -- old -- 3:22
Alacia Sooter -- 43 -- 3:56
Art Cantrell -- 43 -- 3:56
Adam McKelvy -- 31 -- 4:00 (including about 2 extra at the start)
Kandi Karuza -- 55 -- 4:50
Rick Kelly -- 63 -- 4:50
Single loop over Wild Mustang (about 9 miles)
Darrel Cumming -- 49 -- 2:04
Clint Nealey -- 28 -- 2:57
Daniela Lawrence -- 29 -- 3:30 (about 11 miles with extra at the start)
Bonus Route -- something like 25 miles
David Valenzuela -- 54 -- 6:25
WINTER BEAR CANYON LOOP - 1/19/14 - 16.8 mi
Thanks to everyone who came out. We had a phenomenal response - 48 people came out and ran. Perfect weather and good trails made for a number of PR's that I heard about - congratulations! The majority of people went for the standard route, but there were a few variations, both longer and shorter. Apologies if the recorded time is not right - the aid station was being run by a not-yet 3 year old, which translates to a lot of distraction on the part of the adults - please feel free to correct me. Thanks also to Jim who came out and ran the aid station so I could run (he then took off for an unrecorded phone line loop - one more person would have made 50!).
Whole loop:
Mike Duer 2:26
Sion Lupowitz 2:27
Catlow Shipek 2:27
William Meikle 2:43
Ann Neuenschwander 2:43
David Sowers 2:43
Ben Markwart 2:43
Jane Larkindale 2:45 (late start)
Jeff Mitchell 2:52
Mike Walker 2:55
Ryan Niccum 2:55
Zach Hancock 2:56
Raoul Ericson 3:00
Ken Greco 3:02
Chris Anderson 3:06
Stuart Hancock 3:06
Joel O’Bryan 3:10
Guy McArthur 3:12
Liz Farkas 3:12
Colby Moeller 3:12
Chris Avery 3:17
Chrissy Parks 3:17 (phoneline finish)
Dan Garcia 3:18 (early start)
Joe Plassmann 3:19
Jerry Riddick 3:23
Dallas Stevens 3:28
Alacia Sooter 3:31
Diane Harper 3:37
Steve Hughes 3:37
Craig Dabler 3:48
Myk Brown 3:47
Renee Stevens 3:50
Pam Golden 3:55
Pam Hoyt 3:54
Jamie Madden 4:02
Kandi Karuza 4:19
Rick Kelley 4:17
Tricia Aldridge 4:25 (phoneline finish)
Ross Zimmerman 5:53
Tonja plus friend – leisure run, early start
Other routes:
7 falls:
Ze Dagher 1:12
Steve Kanoza 2:34
Donna Kanoza 2:50
Steve Outridge 4:42 (23.4 miles, full loop with detour to Gordon Hirabayashi)
Jay Ligget 2:44 (12 miles with some conversation)
Gary Parcher 4:30 (12 miles)
Valentine Ferrari 3:01 (8.6 miles)
AZ TRAIL 50K - 1/26/14
Hey All,
It was a great day for a run in the scenic Santa Ritas. We had a great group of runners show up, with a total of 32 in all. Despite my worries of runners getting lost we didn't have one stray runner. It truly was a pleasure RD'ing for this group. You all are truly awesome!
Full Route To Old Pueblo Aid Station 46, 31 miles
Dennis Pollow 4:54 1st overall
Doug Loveday 5:16
Benito Gonzalez 5:16
Steve Bagg 5:30
Charlie Ware 5:30
Adrian Korosec 5:38
Rebecca Priebe 5:43 1st Female & genuinely awesome
Chrissy Parks 5:46
Adam McKelvy 5:46
Ken Greco 5:53
Morey Brown 5:53
Mimi Ford 6:05
Steve Outridge 6:28
David Valenzuela 6:51
Craig Dabler 6:58 my new hero
Joe Plassman 7:04
Mike Walker 7:05
Christy Hall 7:17
Pamela Hoyt 7:24
Dave Hall 7:28
Kandi Karuza 9:14 abandoned by the rd
Rick Kelly 9:14 also left for dead by the rd
Aid Station , 29 miles
Mike Duer 4:53
David Sowers 4:53
Jen Wheeler Buenger 5:25
Kentucky Camp, 22 miles
Tim Stackhouse 3:50
Rachel Reitz 4:19
Pat Mahoney 4:42
Gary Parcher 7:01
Misc Distances
Robert Harris 3:41 to aid station & rode back with Harry
Rina Mahoney 10 miles
Bruce Gungle 2:00 10 miles north on az trail
Sir Clydesdale Huntington McBride 2:00 10 miles north on az trail
SOLDIER/LA MILAGROSA - 2/2/14 - 15.6 mi
A glorious day for a trail run. I had a great time hosting this run, and hope you all had fun out there today. A special thanks to Molly Brown for baking all those cookies for the 23 trail runners today!
Below are the results from this morning’s run:
TANQUE VERDE LOOP - 2/16/14 - 28.5 mi
A perfect day for lounging around outside, but a might too warm for running up and down mountains.We had 3 full loop finisher s.
Full Loop DS Javelina
Bob Bachani 3:14
Sion Lupowitz 3:57
Adrian Korosec 7:15 Ryan Niccum 2:41 Benedict D 4:59
Renee Stevens 5:26
Morey Brown 2:43 Christie Hall 5:45
Raoul Erickson 7:45 Pam Golden 2:49 Pamela Hoyt 6:11
Myk Brown ? Yvonne Overson 3:09 Craig Dabler 6:12
Kyle Justice 3:09 David Valenzuela 7:07
Damon Overson 3:11
Gary Parcher 4:02
Molly Brown 4:25
Steve Hughes 4:25
Steve Outridge 18.64 mi. 4:35
Chris Anderson 10.2 mi. ?
Val 6.1 2:15
Steve Kanoza 5 mi. 1:31
Ok, mistakes were made by me, after a few emails I looked at my Grandaughter Sierra's record sheet and realized she had it right, I, had it wrong!
Bob Bachani 5:15, David Valenzuela 5:37, Myk Brown DS 4:25 and Mike Miller did the full loop and his time is unknown.
ESPERERO CANYON LOOP - 3/16/14 - 21 mi
We had 25 people show for a lovely day at Sabino Canyon. Parking lot entertainment via the TPD who were ticketing cars not parked in designated spots. And there were a lot of them!
Full loop:
Sion Luopwitz 3:32:13
Catlow Shipek 3:32:13
Mike Duer 3:54:31
Chase Duarte 4:11
Tim Stackhouse 4:13
Anne Neuenschwander 4:15:37
Ben Markwart 4:15:40
Ryan Niccum 4:45:07
Bob Bachani 5:09
Scott Davidson 5:25
Myk Brown 6:09 plus 22 minutes swimming at Hutch's Pool
Alacia Sooter 5:49
Renee Stevens 5:50
David Valenzuela 5:50
Pam Hoyt 6:25, 21.69 miles total
Craig Dabler 6:25
Kandy Karuza 7:16
Rick Kelley 7:16
Alternate distances:
Dallas Stevens 3:40 to Bridal Veil Falls
Ross Zimmerman 6:30 to Hutch's Pool
Chisato Miwa 2:50 10 miles round trip
Shuher Miwa 2:50 10 miles round trip
David Sowers- ?
Kate Woodard 3:35 16 miles round trip
Jamie Madden 3:10 10.4 miles round trip
Happy St. Patrick's Day,
Kathy Wilson
MICA MOUNTAIN MARATHON - 3/30/14 - 26.8 mi
It was a perfect day for a run, reasonablely cool and overcast all day. Everyone seem to enjoy the overcast weather. Runners started when they were ready anywhere from 5 to 6:40 AM. Many snakes were spotted including a rattler that blocked the trail for a while. Also spotted was an unusual Ring-necked snake, Diadophis punctatus not dangerous but quite a nice find..
As usual there were some people who went there own route. Nobody got seriously off and everyone was in good spirits at the end. and
To the top, Mica
Catlow Shipek 4:35
Sion Lupowitz 5:01
Chris Fall 6:13
Ben Mariswart 6:14
Bob Bachini 6:34
Machelle Hawk 6:47
Steve Outridge 7:09
Molly Brown 7:33
Steve Hughes 8:36
Lots of different distances:
Renee Stevens 26.4 7:28
Dallas Stevens 26.4 7:28
David Valenzuela 26.4 7:28
Jorge Reynaga 24 7:10
Jerry Riddick 23 6:10
Ryan Niccum 22.7 5:08
Bryan Stark 20 5:44
Bruce Gungle 19 4:40
Cowhead 18 miles
Christine Anderson 3:54
Geoff Schmidt 4:40
Christy Hall 4:40
Adam Mckelvy 4:55
Craig Dabler 17 4:30
Barry Spence 13.2 ?
Douglas Springs 13 miles
Mary Croft 4:35
Camron Green ?
Gary Parcher 9.2 3:29
Val Ferraris 9.2 3:00
Jennifer Aviles 7 3:54
Enrique Aviles 7 3:54
Pam Golden 6 2:00
Donna Kanoza 6 2:00
Ross Zimmerman 5 2:00
Denise hike 1:20
Joe aka Julio “I don’t make mistakes, I create challenges for problem solving, and opportunities for service." Brian Crane
A total of 9 runners made the drive up to Oracle for the inaugural Oracle Ridge 50k. Since the course consists of 3 loops, runners were easily able to customize the run to suit their current training needs. I think we got really lucky as temps were in the upper 60s with a nice, cool breeze along the ridge. Thanks to everyone that came out!
30 miles (3 loops)
Benedict Duggar 5:57
20 miles (2 loops)
Nate Polaske 2:33 (Saturday)
Kate Woodard 3:37
Andy Gillespie 4:52
Karen Lane 4:52
10 miles (1 loop)
Kandi Karuza 3:47
Rick Kelley 3:47
Other distances
Geoff Schmidt 5:10 (26.5 miles; 2 loops + partial)
Rachel Reitz 3:15 (17 miles; 1 loop + partial)
Mary Croft 5:05 (17 miles; 1 loop + partial)
Nice turnout for one of the most scenic and tough runs on the schedule. Mark, Denise, and I had a nice time sitting in the early morning sun up top chatting. No soup or macaroni & cheese this year but the bacon and avocado were a hit! 10 brave souls did the full route and it was a warm one on the return. All we heard as runners reached the aid station was, "Catlow and Sion" are just incredible - they were screaming down the mountain!" Kudos to Bob "That's what I'm talkin' about" Bachani on his back-to-back Bigelows Saturday and Sunday. He's ready for ZG! He also gave Craig a lesson on drinking more water that will surely pay off for Craig's first ZG experience. Ben and I both licked our wounds at the end due to some Superman antics.
Thank you Mark for another fun year up on the hill. Thank you Renee for taking over, driving runners down, and allowing me to get a beautiful run in. I hadn't run down Palisades since training for the first Mt Lemmon Marathon back in 2010. The trails were in excellent shape and you still need to duck under the old phonelines.
Please let me know if there are any errors and I will correct them before Ken inputs into the database. Here's a collection of pics from two cameras.
Thanks for coming out everyone!
Catlow Shipek 30.8 5:19 The Whole Enchilada
Sion Lupowitz 30.8 5:19 "
Dennis Pollow 30.8 5:28 "
Mike Duer 30.8 6:05 "
Tim Stackhouse 30.8 6:24 "
Ben Markwart 30.8 6:44 "
Benedict Dugger 30.8 6:57 "
Kathryn Nealey 30.8 7:58 "
Bob Bachani 30.8 8:17 "
Kandi Karuza 30.8 11:41 "
Adam McKelvy 27 6:44 Palisades TH and back
Dallas Stevens 17.3 3:57 Palisades TH to top and back to Sabino
Jorge Lreynaga 17.3 4:49 Sabino-Palisades-Bigelow-Palisades
Ryan Niccum 17.3 4:49 "
Jerry Riddick 17.3 4:49 "
Renee Stevens 17.3 4:54 "
Raoul Erickson 17.3 4:56 "
David Valenzuela 17.3 4:56 "
Craig Dabler 17.3 5:24 "
Clint Nealy 15 3:00 Palisades junction and back
Chris Fall 13.5 3:20 Sabino-Palisades
Steve Hughes 13.5 3:44 "
Molly Brown 13.5 3:57 "
Myk Brown 13.5 3:58 "
Alacia Sooter 13.5 4:25 "
Ross Zimmerman 5.2 ---- Random from Palisades TH
Multiple Mount Wrightson Massacre May 10, 2014
It was a great day for a run up Mount Wrightson. We had 19 runners and two dogs show. Mike Duer had the earliest start at 11:30 PM Friday night with the intention of going for 6 or 7 trips. After having IT band issues, amongst other distractions, Mike decided to abandon pursuing multiple ascents, but I am certain next year will bring Mike better fortune. Tim Stachouse and Rick Harris had a dawn start at 4:15. Shortly after my 6:15 arrival, Brad Poe headed up for his ascent. Then the 7am starters arrived. Ben Markwart was the first to show. Renee and Dallas and their dog Elvis along with David Valenzuela arrived together. Katherine Nealy arrived with her now converted trail runner husband Clint. Jamie Madden and her dog arrived a few minute later. By 7:01 8 more runners were off. Pamela Hoyt and Gary Patcher then Tricia Aldridge and Jim Edwards showed and hit the trail by 8am.
Tim was back from his first ascent after only 2:30! After a few minutes he headed out for his second. Rick, the other dawn started, finished his first and final ascent and was back in his car before I had a chance to offer him a slice of pizza and lemon Eegees for breakfast. Ben arrived, took a one minute break and was off on his second assent. Joe Plassman took the Super trail down for a change of scenery. Katherine completed her first ascent took a very short break and went on her way for a 2nd ascent. Clint finished his first ascent and did a second ascent from Josephine saddle. Bruce Gungle and Jerry Riddick were off doing their own run, Florida-Wrightson-Madera-Wrightson-Florida, but did stop in for a slice of pizza and Eegees.
Once every one finished their run we all gathered and nourished ourselves with a variety of refreshments, including Magpies Pizza and lemon Eegees.
Ross did manage to show after tending to his jazzercise commitments. He and I took a trip up to Josephine saddle. On our way down we ran into Joel OBryan who was out for a hike with a big camera.
Despite only having three and a half multiple ascenders this year, it was a successful event. Next year lets get a few more of you out there to accompany Mike Duer while he sets a new record.
Thank you all for coming out!
Ben Markwart 2 ascents 6:02
Tim Stackhouse 2 ascents 5:53
Kathryn Nealy 2 ascents 7:03
Clint Nealy 1.5 ascents 6:10
Mike Duer 1 ascent 3:28 11:30 PM Friday night start
Jamie Madden 1 ascent 4:15
Jamie’s dog 1 ascent 4:15
Tricia Aldridge 1 ascent 3:30
Jim Edwards 1 ascent 3:30
Brad Poe 1 ascent 3:11
Pamela Hoyt 1 ascent 4:15 Super return from Joes
Gary Parcher 1 ascent 4:50
Dallas Steven 1 ascent 4:03
Renee Stevens 1 ascent 4:03
Elvis Stevens (4 legs) 1 ascent 4:03
Joe Plassman 1 ascent 3:40 Super all the way down
David Valenzuela 1 ascent 3:45
Joel OBryan 1 ascent leisure hike
Ross Zimmerman Josephine Saddle untimed stroll with Raoul
Jerry Riddick Florida canyon adventure
Bruce Gungle Florida canyon adventure
-- Raoul
CATALINA PEAKS - 5/18/14 - 25.9 mi
Dear TTR,
Well, another fun day on the Catalina Peaks run was had. Cool weather, nice trails and a fun selection of adventurous route solutions by everyone involved. Chicharrones and beer for everyone that finished.
By applying the central tenet that the purpose of this run is to hit all the major high points in the Catalina range, from Barnum, Bigelow, whatever the heck that peak with the FAA hut is called and Mt. Lemmon, you could assume that there is an optimum solution to the route. I don’t think we’ve converged yet, but I believe that if we start plotting all of the stated solutions as Feynman diagrams and tally them up, we should at some point be able to come up with an “optimum quantum probability” solution.
New this year was an updated illustrated guide of important intersections on the route, plus a bit of trail maintenance and exploration (including blocking the trail for Leopold and adding cairns at the Barnum intersection) the day before by the RD to try to keep participants on. From discussions with the people that actually tried to follow the guide and the cairns, it might have actually helped, a bit, with a few exceptions - like maybe I shouldn’t have tried to put the guide together at midnight on Saturday evening after being awake for 20 hours. I’ll put that in the notes for next time.
Many thanks to Miro for holding down the Lemmon Aid station 'til the bitter end. Your persistence was very much appreciated.
Kamran Talatoff Top: no Finish: ?? Distance: 7.55
Route: Bigelow TH to Barnum to nasty Trachea Poking Log to Bigelow TH to finish to Bigelow Peak to Bigelow TH.
Comments: No specific finish time due to the RD being discombobulated while looking for first aid supplies.
Ross Z Top: no Finish: 3:12 Distance: 6
Route: Bigelow TH to area near Barnum Rock to Sane Pedro Vista to Bigelow TH.
Comments: Nice trail and an existential conversation involving the “Barnum-ness” of various high points along the trail, solved via later perusal of GPS track log.
Guy McArthur Top: no Finish: 3:41 Distance: 15.15
Route: Bigelow TH to Aspen Intersection and Back, did not do Barnum section, did see FAA building.
Comments: Great fun!
Gary Parcher Top: 5:19 (by truck) Finish: 3:56 Distance: 6.6
Route: Bigelow TH to “Snake Rock” on Butterfly to Bigelow TH.
Comments: Somehow got on Butterfly, he thinks, instead of taking right turn down ridge towards Barnum (Step 1 out of 10). Got Snaked, turned back.
Morey Brown Top: 2:43 Finish: 5:58 Distance: 21
Route: Bigelow TH to within sight of San Pedro (no Barnum), “lost” after Marshall Gulch, to summit somehow, back on road.
Comments: Of all the participants, this is the track log I want to see..
Ben Markwart Top: 3:42 Finish: 6:06 Distance: ~20
Route: Bigelow TH to Barnum, to Bigelow, FAA Hut (I think), Bear Wallow, Summit, back on road (or something)
Comments: Another track log I need to see!
Kathryn Nealey Top: 3:42 Finish: 6:07 Distance: 20.64
Route: Same as Ben (I think)
Comments: Fun! Nothing like being awake for 30 hours and then doing a 20 mile run!
Adam McKelvy Top: 3:41 Finish: 6:07 Distance: 20.64
Route: Same as Kathryn
Comments: Fun!
Pam Hoyt Top: 3:59 Finish: 6:48 Distance: 20 - maybe +1 (lost GPS signal)
Route: Bigelow TH to Leopold Point to Bigelow, Bear Wallow via Boy Scout Trail (no FAA hut hill), Sunset, Aspen, top, Aspen, Observatory Road, Bigelow, BigelowTH.
Comments: Only made it to Leopold, and skipped FAA hut mountain to do Boy Scout Trail (admittedly way more fun than running the dirt road into Bear Wallow). Saved Kamran’s life.
Please let me know if there should be any updates to the comments or route descriptions..
Happy Trails and thanks for the fun day!
SUNSET LOOPS - 6/1/14 - 17 mi
No run report provided by RD
We had a great day on Mt Lemmon to end the holiday weekend. There were a total of 13 of us that showed up for the Sunset Trails run, several different loops were done and the weather was perfect, maybe the ground a little slippery from the recent rain.
Carlow Shipek Wilderness of Rocks 15.8 miles 3 hours
Charlie Ware Wilderness of Rocks 15.8 3
Scott and Pam Wilderness of Rocks 15.10 miles 4:48, they started out around 615a
Gabe McGowan 13.7 2:18, plus to/from Spencer Canyon while on a camping Bachelor party
Ryan Niccum 11.2 2:58
Chris Fall Crystal Spring Trail 9.5 2:35
Steve Outridge Crystal Spring Trail 9.5 2:35
Pam Hoyt Wilderness of Rocks 16.8 4:48
Scott Davidson Wilderness of Rocks 16.8 4:48
Pam Golden 8 3:43
Ross Zimmerman 7 3:43
Denise Fall. Ran up and down the road 5 Time unknown
See you all next year
Tricia Aldridge and I (Jim Edwards) 16.8 in 5:15 on WOR, Mt Lemmon, Aspen Draw, etc.