MT WRIGHTSON ASCENT - 9/6/15 - 5.2 mi
Hi Everyone
I'm soon sorry it took so long to post results for our first run of the year. Life has been busy...
Anyway..... here we go
It was a small group with it being Labor Day weekend. The next day was Saguaro east labor Day Run. It was a nice sunny day...
This was the Time to top
Mike Duer 1:15:41
Dallas Stevens 1:36
Andrew Harris 1:36
Robert Harris 1:42
Renee Stevens 1:48
Mike Roche 1:58
Myk Brown 2:01
Alfonso Albason 2:05
Pam Hoyt 2:11
Jamie Madden 2:15
Gary Parcher 3:14
Tracy Wood
SABINO BASIN - 9/13/15 - 13.8 mi
Thanks for coming out for the second run of the TTR schedule. It was a little less of a blast furnace than in recent years which made it a little easier to put up with the waist-high grass covering the last couple miles of trail! Be sure to make it out to Catalina State Park for the Romero Pools run if you can!
Results are attached below. See you on the trails!
Mike and Kristi
ROMERO PASS - 9/20/15 - 13.2 mi
Last Sunday we had over 10 runners come out for the return of the Romero Ascent. The trail was overgrown and the weather not exactly cool, but the view from the pass seemed to make it all worthwhile! However, the trail seemed to be slightly resistant to the idea of being run on, dishing out what I would be willing to guess might be the highest number of scratches per square inch of exposed skin and pokes to the head via errant branches of any TTR run in the near future (at least I hope so). Anyways, see results below, and thank you everyone for coming out last Sunday!
PS distances vary due to numerous detours de trail...
Name Time Distance
Clint Nealy 5:50 14
Alfonso Albason 5:00 14
Jorge Reynaga 4:52 14
Mike Roche 5:35 14
Steve Hughes 5:11 14.6
Kurt Dabb 4:21 14
Kathryn Nealy 4:50 14
Bruce Johnson 4:32 14.4
Ronni Rudolphe 4:00 14
Ryan Niccum 4:05 14
Matt Tucker 4:19 14
Geoff Schmidt 4:30 13.5
MT HOPKINS - 10/4/15 - 24 mi
Thanks to all who came out today. The weather was a combination of awesome and windy.
Here are the results as they were recorded. Please let me know if any corrections are required. Patrick
24 mile, to the top and back
Benedict Dugger 3:51 (mile 8 = 1:31 / summit = 2:18 / mile 16 = 2:51 )
Adam McKelvy 4:17
Renee Stevens 4:33
Kathryn Nealey 4:41
Robert Harris 4:56 (summit = 2:45)
Chuck Williams 5:20
Raoul Erickson 5:25
Alfonso Albason 5:45
16 mile, to the gate and back
Dallas Stevens 3:34
Clint Nealey 3:40
10 mile, (5 out and back)
Kurt Dabb 1:50
24 mile, top and back on bike
Ross Zimmerman 4:12
~ 5 miles beyond the gate into the foggy dew
Mike Duer 0:34
FLORIDA CANYON - 10/11/15 - 26 mi
5 runners showed up for the second running of this old-school style TTR run-- straight up, straight down, then do it all again in reverse...hard as heck, only the fit should attend.
Trail was in reasonably good shape with some long grass in sections but no one got off trail. Matt Tucker did take a low branch to the head to good effect--the bloody-face thing startled a few hikers on the Madera side. It didn't slow Matt down, though; he was the only one to complete the official 26 mi route this year. Lots of water in springs, creeks, and spraying out of the steel pipe along the trail. It was a touch humid but temps were about perfect for most of this generally high altitude run.
1. Renee Stevens. 8.0 mi (out and back) 2 hours 28 minutes
2. Alfonso Albason. 11.2 mi (Florida-Madera, no Wrightson) 3:45
3. Rick Mick. 11.2 mi (Florida-Madera, no Wrightson) 3:13
4. Bruce Gungle. 11.8 mi (according to Strava; more likely ~11 mi--trace is all over the place) (Florida-Armour Spring turnoff-Florida) (2:38 elapsed + ~10 min sitting on butt at Armour Spring turn off)
5. Dallas Stevens. 13.0 mi (Florida-Wrightson-Madera) 3:49
6. Matt Tucker. 26.0 mi (Florida-Wrightson-Madera-Wrightson-Florida) 8:14
To date, only 8 hearty souls (and just one woman! ) have managed to complete the entire course, and no one has yet to complete it twice--
05-2014: Jerry Riddick, Bruce Gungle.
10-14-2014: Sion Lipowitz, Dallas Stevens, Mike Duer, David V. (in sandals).
10-11-2015: Matt Tucker.
10-14-2014: Renee Stevens.
Maybe we'll have to promote the half-again shorter, one-way option next year to encourage greater participation.
Thanks to Joe Dana for aid at Madera and hanging out w me all afternoon in Flori'da. Thanks to the runners who came out! It was a great day to be on trail, especially on this incredibly beautiful route.
Bruce Gungle
GREEN BUG - 10/18/15 - 18.6 mi
Thanks to all that participated in the event or helped out in the logistics of getting runners back down the hill. The weather was fantastic and much better than what we experienced last year.
Here are the results. Please feel free to correct me if I wrong regarding time and distance (time and distance is to the top near Radio Ridge unless otherwise noted):
Moving the date back a couple weeks didn’t help with the gate but it did wonders for the weather… No one got lost and no bad falls (no best blood award this year) so all in all a great day.. Everyone that went for the full made it, nice job everyone.
BEAR CANYON LOOP - 10/25/15 - 16.8 mi
Eleven hearty trail runners showed up for Bear Canyon Loop on a sunny, warm October morning. This was the smallest turnout for the fall BCL I can recall for many years; quite a few people went instead to the last event of the Gabe Zimmerman Triple Crown (A Mountain 1/2 marathon) - the rest I presume wimped out because of the stories of overgrown trails. All 11 returned alive (whew!) with grand tales of adventures crossing (or falling into) creeks, wading through tall grass, and searching for (and mostly finding) the trail. In addition to tall grass, the switchbacks coming down into East Fork were torn up, apparently by horses that went through when the trail was very muddy. No time records were set, though Benedict posted a petty amazing time given the condition of the trail. Brian wins the award for most-brilliant-sounding-at-the-moment-but-least-practical idea; he taped a bent saw blade to the end of an old broom stick to make a home-made scythe to clear out the grass as he ran, but the blade broke in two on his second swipe, and he had to carry the pole and broken blade the entire run.
Bear Canyon Loop -- Oct. 25, 2015 -- 16.8 miles
Benedict Dugger (45) -- 2:46
Rick Mick (31) -- 3:10 -- 17.4 miles -- found an alternate route coming down toward East Fork
Anne Neuenschwander (42) -- 3:13
William Miekle (?) -- 3:13
Jeff Turman (39) -- 3:44
Ramon Ortiz (31) -- 3:44
Tammy Kovaluk (41) -- 3:49
Jay Liggett (59) -- 3:59
Elizabeth Falcon (31) -- 4:41
Brian Stark (42) -- 4:43
Ben Weiner (48) -- 4:49
Bruce Johnson (RD) (61 - yikes!) -- Esperero Trail -- 6 miles -- 1:20?
Hopefully, I got all of the names spelled correctly. Let me know if you have corrections.
MT LEMMON ASCENT - 11/22/15 - 18.6 mi
Gabe McGowan 3:26
Rick Mick 4:14:20
Mike Duer 4:22:37
Benedict Duggar 4:38 (4:50 to Ski Area)
Heybert Groenendaal 4:45
Jason Searfoss 4:45
Tim Stackhouse 4:52
Adam Mckelvy 5:35
Molly Brown 5:42
David Hicks 5:42
Andrew Harris 6:00:00
Robert Harris 6:23
Elizabeth Falcon 6:55
Pamela Hoyt 8:00
Deborah Rubens 8:00
Don Hubman 8:00
We truly enjoyed RD'ing this event and look forward to it again next year.
Jim and Trish
REDINGTON 50K - 11/29/15
TTR cohort,
The Redington 50k is always a bit weird because there are so many route options, plus people often get off route in creative ways. Benedict Dugger may have set a new standard there.
We had a good turn out, plus a few fellow travelers along the way. Matt Nelson and I got people started from Prison Camp about five minutes after 7:00, then made our way to the Italian Springs (IT) Trailhead to set up aid. As people started to turn up, we heard the usual tales of missed turns and side excursions. We learned that Benedict was last seen headed south off the Arizona Trail on La Milagrosa Trail after attempting to talk Pat Maldowney into going with him. A huge, very friendly group of mountain bikers led by Damion Alexander showed up, visited a bit, then headed north on the Arizona Trail like the returning runners. I’ve attached a photo of the horde Damion took. Matt has some runner photos. Gary Parcher came out to help haul runners back. Jim Holmes ran out to IT trailhead, where Jane Larkindale and their daughter Amelia drove out, so Jane could run back while Jim and Amelia went home. The Organic Aussie Bites where the hit of the aid station (http://www.costcobusinessdelivery.com/Universal-Bakery-Organic-Aussie-Bites,-30-oz.product.100206943.html).
Back at Prison Camp, I found four entries on the results sheet I had left for the runners who did shorter out and back options while I was away. Jane turned up after a bit. Ronni Rudolph was next, the first finisher of the full 50K. There was some discussion that she had set a course record. I reviewed our results on our website and in TTR runtimes. Turns out Ronni’s 5:39 was 3 minutes off Jane’s time of5:36 set in 2009. The fastest men’s time was Dave Sowers’ 5:40 in 2012. Matt Nelson and Gary Parcher brought folks back from IT, where I learned they had encountered Benedict headed UP Redington Pass Road to IT, intending to pick up the return route back to Prison Camp. Eight more runners turned up. Joel O’Bryan came along, having come out later with the puppy Cassie. Corey Keppel and Allie stopped by to say hi. After a nice social hour to two, we left a care package and a “call Ross” note on Benedict’s vehicle and went home.
I went home and hopped on my bike. Benedict checked in a couple of hours later, having finished at about 4:30. Turns out he had run down La Milagrosa Trail, then got directed by hikers to a trail that put him on a loop back to La Milagrosa. At this point he pulled out his phone and figured out a route through neighborhoods to Redington Pass Road, then headed up the road to IT trailhead where picked up the correct route home. He was in excellent spirits. Pat’s relieved he didn’t follow Benedict’s path of sin and iniquity.
Great day. Let me know if I missed anything or made any errors on times or distances. Thanks Matt Nelson and TTR friends who came out.
Ross Z, RD
Take 2. I left out Jim Holmes and Ryan Niccum, plus Benedict’s corrections.
Redington 50 K, Nov. 29, 2015
44 Miles— Benedict Dugger (9:05 with 7100 feet of climb and descent. 50 K split 6:12)
Veronica Rudolph 5:39
Mike Roche 6:40
Tammy Kovaluk 6:44
Molly Brown 6:48
Renee Stevens 7:13:38 (PR)
Dallas Stevens 7:22 (Attempted self-scalping on a low branch…)
Marathon (To aid and back)
Jeff Turman 6:24
Pat Muldowney 7:00
17.5 miles (To turn around, then back to IT aid)
Mike Duer 3:18 (He says 18ish, so there may have been a side excursion…)
Morey Brown 3:27
13.1 mi. (To or From aid, some GPSes claimed 13.4…)
Jane Larkindale 2:37 (From)
Ryan Niccum 2:40 (To)
Jim Holmes 2:40 (To)
Laura Marshall 3:10 (To)
Pam Hoyt 3:23 (To)
Other options
Out and back 20.28 mi. Steve Hughes 5:42:28
Out and back 20 mi. Rick Mick 3:38
Wandering in the wilderness to IT aid somehow, 19.85 mi. Matt Tucker 3:46
Out and back 18.1 mi. Dave Sowers 3:03
Out and back 10.38 mi. Trish Aldridge 2:28
Out and back 10.0 mi. Jim Edwards 2:32
Out and back 10 mi. Joel O’Bryan and Cassie (4 1/2 month Belgian Malinois puppy)
The bike horde, from Damion’s Facebook post—
Trail Folk,
Last Sunday was a beautiful day to head out for a run in Sabino, as 13 runners headed out for another Winter BCL. Fortunately there were no raging torrents in the canyon to contend with and thus the need for paddles and life preservers was minimal. All returned with only the usual scratches from bushes that failed to get out of the way and maybe some wet feet (except possibly Benedict :)). See results below, if there are any corrections needed let me know. Thank you again to Jane & Jim for RDing the first loop, the cookies were great!
Name Run Time - BCL1 / BCL 2 or Bonus Miles
Ryan Niccum 7 falls out and back ?
Abraham Moreno Random out and back ?
Aaryn Olson 1 BCL + bonus miles 2:42 /?
Sion Lupowitz 1 BCL 2:42
Mike Duer 1 BCL + bonus miles 2:56 /?
Adam McKelvy 1 BCL back phoneline 3:12
John Mollenhour 1 BCL 3:15
Ben Janezie 1 BCL 3:30
Chris Avery 1 BCL 3:52
David Hicks 1 BCL phoneline + 4 bonus miles 4:08 / 49 bonus minutes
Bruce Johnson 1 BCL back phoneline 4:17
Benedict Dugger 2 BCL 2:59 / 3:10 - 6:09 total
A great time was had by most for the first ever Vicious Circle TTR Run. This 45 mile beast met with twelve brave athletes on Sunday morning, Jan 31, 2016. Given the obstacles these runners faced, there was a surprising lack of disaster on the course. Notable exceptions include four runners who ventured into an unknown catacomb of tunnels deep under Tucson and didn't emerge for nearly a mile and only ended because they inflated their hydration packs with methane gas from the sewers to float out of a fenced cage. Most of that is actually true. News of that came to me in a text message and was a real shocker when I learned of their misfortune only a hour after leaving the starting line. Fortunately, the rest of the day was more typical epic ultra running and in the end, all came away with stories to tell.
Results are below as is a link to the full extended edition race report. If any corrections are needed please let me know. Thanks to all who participated, the spouses, partners, family, and friends who put up with you doing something silly with your time for 12 hours, my own family included. Also thanks to Brian Edgar for the excellent GPX file from the run: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zt7aQYHhbSD4.ksrulPHA22D8&usp=sharing
Brian Stark
Name Distance Time
Brian Edgar 45.66mi 8:11
Benedict Duggar 45.65mi 8:31
Matt Tucker 45.67mi 9:23
Geoff Schmidt 47mi 11:45
Jenny Flynn 47mi 11:45
Elizabeth Falcon 30 mi 9:59
Mike Duer 22mi? 5:00
Robert Tusso (Flag) 18mi? 3:08
Kristi Sagar 10mi 4:00
Heather Roberts 10mi 4:00
Lorey Pro 10mi? 2:00
Ed Lewelling 10mi? 2:00
Full RD Report: http://statesrunner.blogspot.com/2016/02/vicious-circle-8-hour-race-that-took-15.html
Trail runners,
Here are the results from this past Sunday’s run:
COWHEAD SADDLE 17.3 mi - 12/6/15
Hello TTR's,
This was a beautiful day for a trail run in Tucson, although the same true for most days in our fine town this time of year.
The morning was cool and a bit breezy out at the Douglas Spring trail for the Cowhead Saddle run. The trail was significantly overgrown slowing things down for some and drawing blood for many. However, a few PR's were still had among the 25 hearty souls that came out.
RD'ing today with Michelle Hawk was great fun. We filled in for Chris Fall who was off running a 3:15 in Sacramento at the California International Marathon (CIM) this morning. Great job, Chris!
Many thanks also to Michelle for running/hiking a very slow 8 miles with me today. My legs were quite worn out and sore from yesterday's half marathon out on the Arizona Trail.
I apologize for any misspellings or other mistakes. If anyone sees something that needs to be corrected please drop me an email. Also, if anyone who participated today has feedback about today's experience that might help me do a better job should I RD another TTR event in the future, please let me know.
Cowhead Saddle ~ 18 miles (13 finishers)
Sion Lupowitz - 3:14
Charlie Ware - 3:14
Adam Mckelvy - 3:37
Anne Neuenschwander - 3:39
William Meikle - 3:39
Tammy Kovaluck - 3:56 * PR
Mike Roche - 3:56
Molly Brown - 4:11
Morey Brown - 4:12
Pat Muldowney - 4:15
Laura Marshall - 4:42
Abraham Moreno - 4:48
Alfonso Albason - 4:52
Douglas Springs: ~ 13 miles (4 finishers)
Aaryn Olsson - 2:46 (first time TTR run)
Jeff Ashbeck - 3:06 (first time TTR run)
Trish Aldridge - 3:11
Craig Dabler - 3:29
Other Distances: (8 finishers)
Myk Brown - 4:24 - 14.5 miles
Gary Parcher - 3:33 - 8.5 miles
Jim Edwards - 1:50 - 8.5 miles (with word of a route that involved Three Tanks and some bushwhacking)
Michelle Hawk - 1:54 - 8 miles
Steve Outridge - 1:54 - 8 miles
Joe Plassmann - 1:57 - 6.3 miles
Kristi Sagar (hike of unknown distance and duration)
Mike Duer (hike of unknown distance and duration after a 2nd place finish at the AZ Trail 1/2 Marathon yesterday)
I've attached a few pics from the group gathered at the end of the run.
Thanks much,
LOMA ALTA - 12/13/15
Beautiful trail people!
Big turnout at Loma Alta yesterday, and some of our friends went to play in the snow! I learned a bit about supporting a run. Thanks for coming out, and let me know if I made a mistake on the results.
Rincon Creek 7 miles
1:54 - Laura Marshall
10 miles
3:40 - Corey Keppel
12 miles
2:58 - John Brown
14 miles on AZT
2:17 - Kate Woodard
Manning Trail Intersection 14 miles
2:50 - Devon Young
2:50 - Patrick Mumber
3:12 - Dallas Stevens
3:17 - Ryan Niccum
3:33 - Alacia Sooter
3:34 - Steve Hughes
3:40 - Alfonso Albason
18 miles
4:55 - Tammy Kovaluk
Cowhead Saddle 20 miles
4:10 - Mike Duer
4:26 - Adam Mckelvy
4:55 - Morey Brown
4:55 - Mike Roche
5:15 - Molly Brown
6:48 - Robert Harris
Grass Shack 20 miles
4:23 - John Mollenhour
Manning Camp 29 miles
7:29 - Rick Mick
Micah Mountain 32 Miles
7:29 - Bennedict Dugger
9:09 - Matt Tucker
Abraham Moreno-Szivek
WASSON PEAK - 1/3/16
After a week of cold ( for Tucson ) temperatures, this first TTR run of 2016
had a perfect day. There were generally all very fast times, and no reported injuries or lost souls.
None of the shorter variations were very much shorter at all, so this was a group of serious runners.
As always I had a great time seeing old and new friends. Thanks for a great day.
Can't wait until next year!
PS: sorry it took so long to post, but I'm getting slower each year.
Full Loop( 14.4 miles):
Mick Rick 2:09
Mike Duer 2:18
Tim Stackhouse 2:24
Benedict Dugger 2:27
John Mollenhour 2:33
Adam McKelvy 2:37
Renee Stevens 3:00
Dallas Stevens 3:00
Robert Harris 3:02
Mellisa Newbry 3:18
Wicke de Boer 3:18
Angela Greynolds 3:24
Bruce Johnson 3:23
Molly Brown 3:24
Laura Marshall 3:34
Lollipop Figure 8( 12.8 miles)
Chris Avery 2:46
Joe Plassman 2:46
Hugh Norris Out and Back(11 miles)
Andrew Harris 2:52
Daniel Harris 2:52
Nice cool, cloudy morning for a trail run in the Tortolitas this morning. 14 people showed up, including surprise appearances from Bruce Fay, one-time winner of OP50 (1994), who has recently started running again, and 4 coyotes. All (well, all of the people) finished with only minor inadvertent variations to the official route; no telling where the coyotes went.
Tortolita Mountain Loop Results - Jan. 10, 2016
Record: 2:40 -- David Sowers 2012
Whole thing (14.3M)
Mike Duer 2:38 -- probably a bit less than the whole thing because of wrong turn(s), but on the cusp of the record
Benedict Dugger -- 2:46
Ryan Niccum -- 2:56
Brian Edgar -- 3:04 -- came in at 2:38 with Mike Duer but then went out for some extra to make it 16.5M
Adam McKelvey -- 3:05
Abraham Moreno -- 3:05
Matt Tucker -- 3:08
David Hicks -- 3:49
Jenny Flynn -- 3:55
Geoff Schmidt -- 3:55
Alfonso Albason -- 4:00
Wild Burro-Mustang loop (8.9 M)
Bruce Fay -- 1:45 -- with a bit of a cut-off through the resort at the end
Angela Greynolds -- 2:04
Stephen Woodall -- 2:04
Bruce Johnson (RD) - Wild Burro-Lower Antelope, etc. -- ~1 hour
Steve Hughes
TANQUE VERDE LOOP - 28.5 mi - 2/21/16
Here are the results and quick recap from last Sunday’s Tanque Verde Loop run.
It was a pretty good turnout with 20 people that showed up to run various distances. Three people ran the full route, many others stopped at Javalina, and the rest ran other distances. Two Gila Monsters were spotted but no snakes.
Thank you much to Patrick’s wife Rina who helped out with aid at Javalina, and to Chris and Mike for shuttling people back to the start.
Full Route, 28.5 miles:
· John Mollenhour: 6:19:00
· Jeff Turman: 7:33:00
· Patrick Muldowney: 8:00:00
Javalina, 20 miles:
· Mike Duer: 4:04:52
· Corey Keppel: 4:15:44
· Matt Tucker: 4:30:00
· AJ Cohen: 4:35:00
· Rick Mick: 4:50:00
· Morey Brown: 5:00:00
· Tom Gormley: 5:30:00
· Abraham Moreno: 6:15:00
· Steve Hughes: 6:05:00
Cowhead Saddle, 18 miles:
· Ben Weiner: 4:45:00
· Kate Woodard: 4:34:00 (Plus additional miles after return, for an even 20 miles, 4:55:00)
Other Routes:
Beyond Cowhead:
· Jennifer Stunk, 22 miles, 4:57:00
Between DS Campground and Cowhead Saddle:
· Mya Hoeflinger, 16 miles, 4:32:00
· John Brown, 15.3 miles, 3:53:39
Douglas Springs Campground:
· Scion Lupowitz, 13.12 miles, 1:53:46
Ernie’s Falls:
· Wynne Brown, 7 miles, 2:30:00
· Ryan Niccum, 7.4 miles, 1:24:46
MT KIMBALL ASCENT - 12+ mi - 2/28/16
Ten bushwhacking aficionados showed up for the Mt. Kimball run last Sunday. Pima Canyon once again proved to be a great equalizer, as there was only about an hour between the first and last finisher--route finding being important than speed. At one point or another nearly everybody lost the trail (and two runners spotted each other, both lost, while on opposite sides of the canyon), with many taking a detour to Pima Saddle, but nobody went down the canyon this year. Which makes it the first year I did not ponder calling out search and rescue. So thank you all for not getting terribly lost.
Please let me know of any errors or omissions.
Full Route:
Name Time (Ascent)
Corey Keppel 3:27 (1:40)
Mike Duer 3:45 (1:37)
Tom Gormley 4:20 (n/a)
Raul Erickson 4:23 (n/a)
Abraham Moneno 4:25 (2:10)
Chrissy Parks 4:26 (2:10)
Patrick 4:30 (n/a)
Finger Rock trial, various distance out and back
Name Time Distance
Joan D'Alonzo n/a 6.5
Alfonso Cesar ~4:00 9.0
Laura Marshall 4:41 9.0
(2:04 to PC sign)
ESPERERO LOOP - 21 mi - 3/13/16
Saturday morning Pam Hoyt and Steve Hughes ran the course doing a bit of trail maintenance. Talk about an early start. Sunday morning we had a group of 10 people to attack the loop or a portion of it. A few were looking a bit rough from apparently too much Saturday night, but they were ready to go. Late morning Geoff Schmidt arrived after having done the Marana 5K. Something about needing a recovery run. The weather was nice to start, but a bit warm by the finish. Eight people headed off for the full loop and 2 for Bridal Veil. All returned looking OK and with only minor injuries from battling Cat Claw. The Cat Claw was the apparent winner. Mike Duer was the 1st to return and had a great run doing the loop in a PR. No sightings of snakes or other critters were reported.
Please let me know of any corrections or additions.
Full Loop:
Mike Duer 3:50:56 (PR)
Rick Mick 4:08
Charlie Ware 4:15
Corey Keppel 4:20
Ryan Niccum 5:08
Tom Gormley 5:24
Kathryn Nealey 5:40
Alfonso Albason 6:20
Full loop using Phoneline for 22 miles:
Geoff Schmidt 6:10
Bridal Veil:
Ronni Rudolphi 2:49
John Mollenhour 2:49
Saturday early start:
Steve Hughes 6:30 approximately
Pam Hoyt 7:00 approximately
MICA MARATHON - 26.2 mi - 3/20/16
Another year in the books for the iconic TTR run that makes an effort to punish it’s pray! Mica Mountain did not fail to deliver some 'good ole fashioned' suffering, just the way we like it. A morning that started out cool, quickly heated up as 19 brave souls wrangled the wild Rincon Mountains. No reports of any critters worthy of mention, other than some rabbits hopping around. 11 runners completed the full marathon, including, Mike Duer, who again defies age with another PR and Ronni Rudolphi, who somehow missed the summit but ran further than everyone.. Except Tom Gormley. Pretty sure Gormley ran further than anyone. And lastly, those Harris boys. Squeaking just under 10 hours to pop their ultra cherry. Congrats!!
Glad to be able to host! Thank you, Kristi, for keeping me company. I now am fully aware of what you go through waiting for me to finish races:)
Here are the results to the best of my knowledge. Let me know if I need to fix any errors.
Full Doozy (27.3 miles)
Gabe McGowan- 04:46:00
Charlie Ware- 05:20:00
Mike Duer- 05:23:10
Ronni Rudolphi- 05:25:00
Cory Keppel- 05:42:00
Rauol Erickson- 08:03:00
Alfonso Albason- 08:20:00
Tom Gormley- 08:23:00
Rober Harris- 09:59:00
Daniel Harris- 09:59:00
Andrew Harris- 09:59:00
Various Distances
Patrick Sims- 21 miles- 05:05:00
Chrissy Parks- 21 miles- 05:12:00
Doug Loveday- 20 miles- 04:35:00
Geoff Schmidt- 18.6 Miles- 05:30:00
Laura Marshall- 13.3 miles- 03:01:14
Lorey Pro- 11.2 miles- 02:15:17
Ed Lewelling- 11 miles- 02:30:00
Gary Parcher- 5.3 miles- 02:13:00
KEYSTONE TRAVERSE - 15.2 mi - 4/3/16
Another Keystone traverse was completed today by 12 brave souls who took on the Sierrita Mountains. It started off a little shaky as my very first marking Cairn was removed(not maliciously I later found out)so it gave the runners a couple of bonus miles. Things seemed to go according to plan after that and the weather cooperated with a rather nice morning. No major animal sightings were reported other than some cattle(there was a bobcat sighting on the drive in I heard though). All runners made it back to their cars and search and rescue had the day off. The boys (fresh off conquering the Crown King Scramble the day before!) had bacon and other goodies at the top aid station to help the runners push on. Everyone had a Keystone Summit and no snow was reported on the 6200' peak. Please let me know of any corrections in time,distance,and stories.
Keystone Traverse results:
The whole thing- 15.2-16.8 ish miles due to 1.8miles bonus sightseeing (removed cairn)
Mike Duer- 2:44.03
Rick Mick- 2:47
Ryan Niccum-3:08
Tom Gormley-3:20
Renee Stevens-3:33
Dallas Stevens-3:33
Michelle Hawk-3:35 - 16.8m
Ben Childers-3:50.24- 16.8m
Other Distances
Bruce Johnson- 2:11 - 10.01 miles
Steve Outridge- 2:40 -11.7 dealing with leg cramps
Joel O'Bryan- 2:50 -10 miles with dog(Cassi) who was a big hit with my little girls
Kristi Sagar-3:20 - 8.4 miles
The long long long awaited results to the 1st ever Box Camp to Bigelow to Palisades down to Sabino 50k,
Full 50k:
Sion Lupowitz 5:29 (course record)
Mike Duer 6:01
Jeff Turman 8:11
Bob Bachini 8:48
Raoul Erickson 8:48
Varying distances:
Renee Stevens Palisades (3:50)
Matt Tucker Palisades (4:30)
Corey Keppel Box Camp (3:11)
Benedict Dugger Box Camp (3:35)
It was yet another perfect day for the Multiple Mount Wrightson Massacre. Over all it was cooler than last year. 12 runners showed up at varying times and but this year we only had five runners complete two accents. There were some incredibly fast times.
Early starters included Ronnie Rudolhi and Ryan Niccum who started at 6:15. Mike Duer was off by 7:00 on his run up the Super trail. Ron Duncan started shortly after and completed one very fast ascent. Chuck Williamson and Fernando Bustamante began their ascent shortly after 7am. Mike Roche joined us at 8:00. Patrick took his time and stared at 8:40. Just when I though that was all of the runners Sion and Charlie Ware decided to get some extra sleep and start at 9:15. And that extra rest made a difference. Charlie completed his first ascent in 2:05! Sion was close behind but he took the super trail down which only added 10 minutes to his time.
This year’s most ambitious runner was Robert Harris. He started his first ascent attempt 30 miles from the trail head at Keystone Peak in the Sierritas. He called it the Trans Santa Cruz Valley run. Several of us passed him running on the road as we drove to Madera Canyon. He was looking good at 26 miles when I passed him. Unfortunately his stomach stared to give him problems at mile 29.5 (6:50 of running) and made the decision to not to continue his run. He was only 2 mile from the normal start of the ascent. Robert did stop in and hung out with us for a few minutes before hitching a ride home with his sons.
Of the 12 runners 5 completed 2 accents. Most of us were able to spend some visiting after completing ascents.
The weather was perfect from the start and lasted all day, only one twisted ankle, no record challengers, except for Robert’s warm-up run. I hope you are all looking forward to next year’s Multiple Mount Wrightson Massacre.
Thank you all for coming out!
Charlie Ware 2 ascents 2:05 1st 20min break 2:32nd
Ryan Niccum 2 ascent 5:55 total
Ronni Rudolphi 2 ascent 2:30 1st 3:30 2nd on Super trail
Chuck Williamson 2 ascent 3:41 1st 4:04 2nd
Mike Roche 2 ascent 2:53 1st 4:00 2nd
Ron Duncan 1 ascent 2:28
Fernando Bustamante 1 ascent 3:01
Patrick 1 ascent 4:04
Sion 1 ascent 2:15 down super
Raoul 1 ascent 3:08
Mike Duer 10 miles on super trail injury 2:30
Robert Harris 29.5 mile Trans Santa Cruz Valley run 6:50
Dear TTR,
This was the first running of the modified Catalina Peaks course, This new route still attempts to hit high points of the Catalina range, but with a less circuitous and confusing trail linkup. Not to say the new trail linkup didn’t turn out to have a few confusing turns, but it seemed that less carnage resulted, and veterans of the old run did give this new course more positive reviews.
As for directing the course, it’s logistically a bit more difficult as there are more opportunities for aid. Luckily I had the most capable help of Catlow Shipek and Denise Fall, plus a guest appearance of Jim Holmes, bus driver, for a stress-free RDing day.
Things to be fixed next running include more precise directions to the San Pedro Overlook - since the I neglected to remember that there are actually 2 terminii to the Green Mountain trail at San Pedro, and it didn’t help that the wrong trailhead had been flagged by some other group. I’ll also provide less vague directions (and possibly some pre-run trail maintenance) for the Incinerator Ridge - Kellogg trail connector, since some idiots seemed to have managed to build their fire ring right over the start of the Kellogg. As a result many runners ended up taking a wrong turn down to the highway, either turning back there (+.6 mile), then back up to Bigelow via the Palisades parking lot (+~1 mile).
Gordon Hirabayashi - Ski Area ~19mi:
Time: Notes:
Sion Lupowitz (7:45 start) 4:46 “Obliterated”
Charlie Ware (7:45 start) 4:47 “Plenty of time to poop.”
Mike Duer 5:03 “5:03:26, extra 20 min on Incinerator Ridge, and BACON!! CARBS!!”
Brian Edgar 5:10 “I would have benefited from a little clearer directions... Otherwise, it was a great challenge and a seriously tough run. Looking forward to
doing it again, only faster.”
Rick Mick 5:25 “Thanks so much for those beers!”
Chris Fall 5:46 “Like hell I’m going to let you write DNF for my time.”
Stephen Woodall 6:51 “Long day! Windy!”
Angela Greynolds 6:52 “This was the most vert I've ever done in one day by far, and it was
the first time I've ever felt like I was going to throw up.”
Gordon Hirabayashi - Sunset ~14.5mi:
Time: Notes:
Lucas Tyler 3:38 “Saw a black Rattlesnake before San Pedro. I know the group I was with were impressed with the section of trail that went through the tunnel”
Kaitlin Kratter & dog 4:23 “I hadn’t done the San Pedro -> Bigelow portion before, so that was
especially nice (even if I got a bit lost…)”
Steve Outridge 4:24 “If you post my run as a DNF, I’ll kill you.” (came up short anyway)
Laura Marshall 4:25 “I took the scenic detour down incinerator ridge road to add on about
0.6 miles before getting back on track. Next time I hope to make it all
the way to the top.”
Bruce Johnson 4:49 “I always like Bug Springs & Green Mountain trails. The thing I liked most was not having a lot of elevation loss after climbing, which happens on the old route with Butterfly. I think this is a keeper - and next hopefully my stomach will let me do Aspen to the top!”
Geoff Schmidt 4:54 “I really enjoyed being out there on some new trails and, with the aid
stations it kind of felt like an ultra event. “
San Pedro - Ski Area ~9.8mi: Time: Notes:
Dari Duval 2:56 “Glorious day on the mountain! Everything was great, route
(the half I did), course marking, weather, and fantastic support :)”
Mike Walker 3:17 “I finally ran Catalina peaks without getting lost.”
Gory details: see attached file at bottom.
SUNSET LOOPS - 17 mi - 6/5/16
* No run report from RD
* No run report from RD